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"Hold. Still," Rowena said- irritation seeping thick into her accent as she held a shimmering crystal above Cas' head.

"Sorry. Just... wondering how long you're going to dangle a pointy stalactite above my eyes," Castiel said in a monotone voice as he tried to remain still.

"It's amethyst you wee numpty!" Rowena growled as she snatched the crystal away. Dean was sitting at Cas' desk, slouched over in his chair,

"So what's the word, Mad Madam Mim?" He asked- feigning boredness. Rowena sighed and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like,

"Boys," She turned to Dean,

"The archangel was right, It is indeed a cupid curse. Fortunately with skills like mine, we should be able to whip up a spell rather quickly," Rowena smilled- satisfied with herself.

"Great- what do you need?"

"That's where it gets a wee bit tricky," Rowena said with a frown, "The first items are easy- a piece of bark from a myrtle tree, a fire, and a silver knife... But then," Rowena sighs.

"What?" Dean asked, frustrated.

"We need the string of the bow from which the cupid's arrow was shot. And then, the blood of the forgotten," Rowena answered.

Cas stood from his bed "So we have to track down the Cupid again? Can you do a tracking spell?"
"Questioning my abilities are we?" Rowena smirked, "I can do a tracking spell but cupid's are strange- it's almost impossible to locate exactly where they are," Dean stood and began to pace back and forth.

"Then we should get started," He looked to Cas, "Ready to get your memory back, Feathers?" Cas nodded, and looked to Rowena.

"Let's get started on that tracking spell," Castiel said with a vague expression.

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now