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"Where are we?" Sam asked, bewildered by the dazzling sunshine.

"Somewhere in the middle east, Myrtle trees are a bitch to find," Gabe answered,

"Fortunately there was one in The King's Garden," Gabriel was still avoiding eye contact, he was huffing as he and Sam scaled a grassy hill.

"The King's Garden?" Sam gasped, "Like, the BIBLE's King Garden?"

"Congratulations, you did your research," The angel growled. Sam bit his tongue, Nothing was known about The King's Garden, only it's name and location- but it made sense that Gabriel would know about it, being an archangel. Gabe scowled at the horizon like it offended him.

Just talk to him, The voice in Sam's head begged

No, he hates your guts, Dumbass! Another voice chimed in and Sam had a terrifying visual of a Castiel on his left shoulder with a halo and feathery wings and Dean on the other with a pitchfork and little red horns.

The two men reached the top of the hill- looking over a plateau of sand and scraggly looking desert plants that begged for water. Sam looked around, confused,

"I don't know, Gabe... This doesn't look like the place for a garden... or any living thing," Gabriel looked up at Sam and snapped his fingers without saying anything. Around them bloomed a kaleidoscope of colors. Grass from beneath their feet grew up past their ankles, what were once tumbleweeds became lush bushes with a plentiful of flowers, trees of all kinds sprung towards the sky- blocking out the harsh sunlight and leaving Sam and Gabriel under a cool green canopy. A river bubbled up from the ground from which water like crystals flowed, butterflies the size of house cats lazily glided across the skies.

Sam gasped in amazement looking around the garden. Out of his eyesight, Gabriel allowed himself a small smile.

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now