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"So the who and the what now did..... what?" Dean stammered, his face scrunched in confusion. "Let me say it again. This is a Cupid related curse," Gabriel repeated- massaging his temples, "that takes away the memory of the person that the infected loves the most." 

The four of them are sitting around the map table, Gabriel (being a crackhead) is sitting cross legged on the control panels. ".... what?" Dean asks again, Gabriel snickers- loving the awkward atmosphere, "Cupid. Do bad bad, curseie worsie makes Cassie's memory of his favoritest person go POOF!" Gabe tells Dean with a smirk, Dean shakes his head, "Ok- but Cas and I are friends, nothin' more. I don't see him that way." Dean is blushing- head in his hands. Gabriel snorts, "I never said it was sexual, Dean-o. It could just be platonic." When Gabe said 'sexual' he glanced over at Sam, who looked away immediately- Dean didn't have the patience or the time to understand what that was about. "So- I used to be.... friends with Dean?" Cas asked, cocking his head. Gabriel nodded, "clearly the only explanation is that I'm not a person- which is why you didn't forget about me, bro." Castiel nodded. Sam cleared his throat, "so, how do we get his memory back?" Gabe glanced over, "simple, Sammy..." Gabriel pauses for the desired effect, the other men in the room roll their eyes,

"We'll need the sexy witch."

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now