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"So the bow isn't real?" Dean asked, he was staring at Cas while the cupid was tied up in a chair. Cas shook his head,

"It's a brand mark... When I freed the angels from heaven," Castiel winced at his past stupidity, "I had to cut it out of Gail's hand- though I suppose cutting off the hand would suffice,"

Dean nodded and looked out the grimy motel window,

"Just like that? Sounds too easy," Dean murmured, rubbing his face.

"Well, Cupids (as you could probably could already tell) are an emotional species," Cas joined Dean at the window,

"He won't give it up without a fight,"

"Well i'm not gonna take it without one,"

"I don't remember if i've said so before... but you are incredibly violent," Cas exclaimed.

"Listen up, Farmers Only," Dean leaned down over the cupid who was trembling in fear,

"This is how it's gonna go down. You're gonna give us the bow and we're gonna kill you for what you did to those people, and me- uh Cas," Dean blushed but still kept his steady glare on the cupid. The cupid snickered,

"Am I?"

"Yes, you are," Cas' eyes began to glow a dull blue, "Or I'll take you apart. Limb by limb." Dean looked impressed, giving Castiel a look-over before returning his attention to the cupid. Cas reached out his hand- it began to throb with light,

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" The cupid begged, "Please! Don't you want to know why I did it?"

"No," Castiel said,

"Don't you want to know who he is," the cupid waved a hand towards Dean,

"Who he is to you?"

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now