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"So what are we waiting for? Let's bleed him like a doctor during the renaissance era!!" Gabriel quipped,

"It's not that easy, angel," Rowena explained, "We need a gallon of blood. It's unsafe to give more than 2 pints at a time." Dean glanced at Rowena,

"I don't care... Gabriel can heal me as I give the stuff. I'll practically be a tap of the stuff." Dean looked over to Sam, who shrugged suggestively.

"Would that work?" Cas asked

"I'm not sure, but it's worth a try." Sam said

"In that case, sit still dear," Rowena said as she stabbed Dean through the heart.

"How're you feeling?" Castiel questioned, Dean was sitting at the map table, looking totally chill as a bucket was collecting his blood.

"I'm actually feeling great, how bout you, Cas?" Gabriel's hand was focused over Dean's head.

"Ok boys, that should be enough." Rowena stoked the fire, Gabe yanked his hand away like he was burned. Once the hand was removed Dean's face turned white, his eyes slowly rolling back.

"Hey, none of that. Allow me," Cas positioned his hand on Dean's heart, and with his eyes aglow it was healed.

"Thanks bud." Dean mumbled, Castiel nodded.

Rowena cast a knowing look at the two men,

"Ah, young love," She sighed, "We have all the ingredients, let's get started."

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now