XXV. the scheme

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The next day, Seraphina and Aunt Veronica spent many hours visiting Zachary.

Salvador, along with the rest of the guards, stared at Seraphina with such knowing looks.

"I was about to say to others not to bother you two but then, you bought the company," he whispered at her while strolling down to the visiting room.

Aunt Veronica pretended not to notice Salvador but Seraphina could vividly remember her aunt wincing at the very sight of yellowed and rotting teeth.

All Seraphina could ever do is merely suppress a chuckle, feeling overly sorry for the fella.

Seraphina gaped down at Salvador. What does he mean by that statement of his?

About what occurred yesterday? Seraphina and Zachary smooching right in front of his eyes, does he think they're doing something more scandalous than that behind closed doors.

'Oh, dear. Please don't let Aunt know about this,' was all Seraphina could ever pray throughout the day.

For the next few hours, Aunt Veronica alternates between sobbing and scolding Zachary who is busy eating, only nodding at Aunt Veronica.

In the corner of his eyes, the two of them exchanged glances, Zachary smirking, causing Seraphina to blush and chuckle, shrugging.

Zachary seems to be in a lighter mood now compared to before. Despite his sore face and shaggy hair and facial hairs, he doesn't look as if he's carrying the world on his shoulders anymore.

"What would your mother say, dear?" worried Aunt Veronica, messaging her temple in distress.

Before Zachary could muster a reply, Aunt Veronica already answered her very own question. Well, that's surely a rhetorical question.

"She would be disappointed, boy, truly. Look, your career might get affected by this scandal, oh, imagine the scandals," she once again distressed, looking very ready to faint any minute now.

Zachary then halts eating, looking at his godmother straight in the eye, comforting, "Don't fret over those, Aunt Veronica. Everything's gonna be okay, my clients wouldn't care about petty things,"

Aunt Veronica seemed satisfied with his statement for a second before her brows met again.

And so, for the rest of their visits, Aunt Veronica kept rambling about the scandals and such.

It even hinted how Seraphina's reputation could be in grave danger due to her appearance yesterday.

Zachary pretended to massage his temple, swiftly gazing to Seraphina, brow-raising sardonically, he mouthed, 'You look ravishing, love,'

That transpired Seraphina to chuckle a bit louder than intended, causing Aunt Veronica to momentarily stop, "What's funny, girl? Can't you see, no man would offer marriage to you ever again with that kind of reputation,"

And so, for the rest of the day, it went on like this. Aunt Veronica's stress alternated between her niece and her godson who kept exchanging secret glances and mouthing back words.

Some were funny, while some were downright flirty.

When Salvador entered the room, they knew it's time for Zachary to get back to his cell.

Aunt Veronica angrily faced Salvador, saying how little time they gave despite giving them numerous hours.

And so, while Aunt Veronica's back is facing the both of them, busy arguing with the guard, Zachary swiftly kisses Seraphina in the mouth, his rough hands encircled around her thin waist.

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