"It hurts!"

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Victoria had just walked out of the house, she ran to her car and jumped into the drivers seat and drove off. The aftermath of her outburst kicked in. Her eyes filled up with tears that streamed down her face like forever flowing waterfalls. Her breathing was staggered and started to dry heave.

She suddenly looked over to the passengers seat and saw the gifts that she got for Tony. Her blistering rage accumulated again and she abruptly stopped her car. She got out and slammed her door then walked around to the other side and grabbed the gifts.

She ran to the edge of a cliff which just happened to be next to her. She was about to throw the one that her and Pepper made into the ocean. But instead of getting the strength to throw it, like she wanted, she felt an overwhelming feeling of sorrow and pain. She held the presents close to her chest then started to cry.

She couldn't do it, she couldn't get rid of her feelings by throwing a couple gifts into the ocean. And deep down inside her she realized that she still really loved Tony. She was so conflicted about him. She was furious about what he did, but she was also still so in love with him. She was torn in half, her heart was torn in half, it was broken.

She sighed and walked back to the car. She opened the door to the passengers seat to put the presents in.

"Maybe I should go back." She whispered quietly to herself.

Suddenly she felt pounding in her chest, it was so painful. She felt her breaths getting shorter and quicker. She dropped the presents on the ground right in front of the door.

"What's happening?" She thought.

The pain increased to a very concerning level. She grabbed her chest and fell to her knees.

"Sabrina, I need you to take me to-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence.

"To my plane, my plane to New York." She said.

"Ma'am! We need to get you to a hospital!" Sabrina replied.

"No, I am just putting stress on my body. It will pass when I stop thinking about Tony. I need to get to the a Stark Expo." Victoria said.

Through the pain Victoria got into the passengers seat, completely forgetting about the gifts. The car sped to the airport leaving the gifts behind it. Victoria felt the pain grow stronger and stronger.

"Is this another PTSD attack?" She asked Sabrina.

"Ma'am let me take a scan and see what is wrong." Sabrina said.

Victoria couldn't slow her breathing down. She took very short and sharp breaths.

"S-sure." Victoria said.

It took a couple seconds but the holographic screen shot up from her watch. The body scan focused on her heart.

"Am I having a heart attack!?" Victoria asked.

"No ma'am, you don't have any blockages or blood clots that would cause you to experience a heart attack." Sabrina said.

"T-then what is happening to me?" Victoria asked.

"A whole bunch of stress hormones have flooded into your heart. Because of that, the hormones have stunned your left heart ventricle." Sabrina said.

"What does that mean?" Victoria asked.

"Ma'am, the name for this is called "Broken Heart Syndrome" it is very dangerous in some circumstances." Sabrina said.

"B-but I have a chance of living right?" Victoria asked.

"Ma'am, for some people it is. But not for you." Sabrina said.

"What? Why not?" Victoria asked.

"Ma'am, I know that your head is spinning and all that has happened has probably made you forget a couple things but, you were diagnosed with "congestive heart failure" just a year ago." Sabrina said.

Victoria suddenly remembered what Sabrina walk talking about, she never told Tony. She knew that he would do everything in his power to try and find a cure. Or at least she used to think that.

"Ma'am this is very dangerous for you. You need to get to a hospital." Sabrina said.

"There is a med bay on the plane. We need to get to New York, its my job." Victoria said.

"Ma'am, this is your life we are talking about. You are lucky that you have survived the intense stress of your PTSD attacks and Mr. Stark's stupidity. This has just tipped it over the edge." Sabrina said.

Victoria couldn't even talk anymore she was breathing so quickly. She had to live, she had to. She finally forced herself to talk.

"W-what if I try to use my mind power to literally keep myself alive and s-slow the effects?" Victoria choked out.

"Ma'am it is possible but, when you stop. Or when it gets to painful to keep going, you will inevitably die." Sabrina said.

"How long? How long until the pain gets too intense?" Victoria asked.

"About four to five days. But that is for any average person. For you it would be more of two or three." Sabrina said.

Victoria thought about it.

"Ma'am, you can't seriously be thinking that you are going to do this. Just go to a hospital, they can help." Sabrina pleaded.

Victoria shook her head and tightened her grip on her chest. The pain was intensifying. Victoria had to surrender.

"Fine, we go to a hospital. But we are not going to miss our flight, do you understand Sabrina?" Victoria said.

"Ma'am I already pushed back the time of the plane departure, tomorrow afternoon. Ma'am the Stark Expo is in a week. Are you sure that you want to go this early?" Sabrina asked.

"I was asked to come early." Victoria struggled to say.

"Ma'am you can come early later, I am rescheduling your plane departure time for Wednesday at four pm." Sabrina said.

Victoria was about to say something when she felt her heart hurt. It felt like it was broken. Her breathing quickened and she laid back down on the seat. The car drove five times faster than it was going and it headed in the direction of the hospital.

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