Chapter 8: Girl Depression

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When their orders come. They all awe from the beutiful decoration and sweet smell.

"Enjoy your meal, this all made by our skillful chefs and baristas."

She said pointing to a man and a girl.

The man have pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair meanwhile the girl have short brown hair, fair skin and green eyes.

"Are you all from outside?" Nagisa ask.

"Yes, I'm from Malaysia. The man from America and the girl from Italy." she said.

Nagisa then realise a name tag on her brown apron. 'Hana'

He look at the two others.
Unfortunately, they stand to far from he to see. The man glanced to them begore go back to the kitchen.

The waitress then leave them.

"The lava cake is so delicious." Kayano said as she flew to clouds nine.

"Not kidding, the texture is so soft." Isogai said, smiling.

"Why you two so quiet?" Nakamura ask, act innocent.

Karma just focus on his meals. A special strawberry smoothie and strawberry chocolate cake.

Meanwhile, Ichigo not stop eating the  the chocolate cake and beside her is a cup of coffee. Special latte caramel coffee.

"Aww, come on Karma. It for 30% discount." Maehara said.

"Well, I couldn't argue. With the amount of cakes we order we need that discount." Okuda said, as she happily eating the cheesecake.

"Okuda, not you too." Nagisa said.

"Well, couldn't said anything toward her. You two look suit together." Maehara said, grinning.

Karma glare to him while Ichigo almost choke her cake.

'We all turn out suddenly shipping Karma and Ichigo together' Nagisa smile as he eat his cake.

Skip Time

Gakushuu spend her time sulking in her  bed.

'There ain't any discount. You just made it' She  put her face on the pillow.

"That is so embrassing" she look to the side. Her left cheek were fill with the air, pouting.

"I have never see you this depress Gakushuu-kun." Gakuho said leaning on the wall beside the door.

The girl sit up.

"You should ask Hana-nee-san" she said.

"The couple thing?"

"You already know?"

The man look at her, disgusted.

"I never thought your type will be that low. My advice, don't do anything stupid" he said.

Gakushuu face turn redder.

"We not a couple!" she throw the near thing to her. A pillow.

The principal caught it, few centimetres from his face.

Gakuho look at her, amused.

He walk to that girl.

"I know you wouldn't do something likes that" he said patting her head, awkwardly.

The girl look up, surprise.


Gakuho don't said anything and leave her.

"Dress up in 5 minutes.If not you wouldn't go to your favorite high class restaurant" he leave.

Gakushuu who heard that words smile.

"Yes, otou-san"

There something weird happening, definitely.

<     >

Special Talk with Asano Gakuho!

Q: Asano-chan always looked to wear a male clothes. Why is it?

Gakuho: She have some past trauma when wearing girls clothes. Second, she look comfortable wearing it, so I don't said anything.

Q: Do you have trouble with she wearing male clothes ?

Gakuho: Not much. But the fact everyone know that I have a son and not a daughter bothering me a bit. I mean, one day she would become an adult and get married and she have fangirls but no girls in her ages as friends, that is a bit worrying.


Uh- I have no explanation....

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