Chapter 11: Drama Festival

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Makoto look at her.

"Well, yes. The report you gave us is great, Gakushuu. But we couldn't work on without testing their ability"
He said, smiling.

Gakushuu look down at her arm.

"Or perhaps you have begin to attach to them."

Gakushuu look up in alarm. Totally shock.

"No, I don't said it a bad thing. It show that you also a human"

"But, I'm not" she said.

"Gakushuu, we already have this talk with your father when you 7" Makoto look at her, unimpressed.

"Yeah, yeah. I know"


"Everything are under control right now. Just rest and enjoy, okay?"


Skip Time

Gakushuu lay on her bed. Looking at her phone.

You were added in 'E-class talk'

<    >

Gakushuu wouldn't argue she enjoy being in there. She close her eyes and fall asleep. She should sleep for next day.

Skip Time

"A drama festival?!!"

Ichigo watch them, amused.

"But we about to take high school entrance exam"

"I know, I know. I have protest to student council, Asano firedback though."


Ichigo narrow her eyes, then shrugged. It a part of the curriculums, can't said anything.

Ichigo snap to reality when she heard something being thrown.

She look at Terasaka who now has a bag on his face.

She stared, clueless. 'What I miss?"

"I gladly to work with the prop." Kayano said.

Sugino and Nagisa sweatdrops.

"Right," Isogai look straight at them. "for our main crew. Mimura will direct, Hazama will write and for our main lead-"

"You know I'm available" Korosensei said with pink face and a tentacle on his non-existent chin.

"You are supposed to be a state secret" Half of the class stand up and fired BB's bullet to him, although he dodge it easily.

Ichigo who slightly clueless stare at them, wide eyes.

"It's our play, no adults allow" They keep shooting.

"But sensei never get to be the main lead. Sensei want to be on the same stage with you all" Korosensei said, he turn back to yellow while sweating as he dodge the bullets.

"Alright then, I got a play. Where you can be the main lead and stay secret. Everybody happy." Korosensei turn pink as he smile wider to hear Hazama words.

"Great, sounds like a plan" Isogai said.

"Let's put a show where the main campus students never seen."

Skip Time

"Who's next? E-class right" Tanaka said.

"Let's sneer at them while we eat" Takada replied as he hold his lunch.

The gym light turn off.

Suddenly, the stage light on focusing on a table with a peach on it.

"A peach"

The both boys turn silence.

The light then focus on Kanzaki who sat on the floor while wearing a yukata.

Her face look unemotional.

"From the test, they said there a baby growing inside." Kanzaki said.

"The oji-san face change drastically, he realise how important is the peach" the narrotor, Ritsu said.

"What a miracle!" Sugino stand up. "People will pay a good money to see this. I'll be richer the any kings."


The black screen behind change to show a paper.

"A divorce paper."

Ichigo watch from backstage. 'I couldn't join any curriculum activities since I come doing undercover' She try to peek at the audience.

'But Hana-nee-san take my place so she doing all my work.' Her eyes land on a strawberry blonde hair boy who stare at the stage, too shock.

'Everything follow the plan. My job is to find the teachers and students weaknest so Hana could do her job smoothly, for that I'll act in her puppets show' Ichigo look at Gakushuu.

An imaginary stage come in her mind.

'In Hana game, all of us are her puppets' The stage now full with E-class students and teachers as puppets.

'And she always make sure everything act as her plan' Hana's figures looming over them, holding two puppets stick that control two puppets movement, Korosensei and Karasuma-sensei.

'For her plan to success, a few puppets need to have a mind set' Now it focus on Ichigo puppet. 'and my job is to make sure everyone in their characters'

The imaginary stage dissapear when Ichigo focus on Gakushuu.

'I'll give my greatest act' While she not realise, Karma who lean on the backstage wall stare at her from behind.

Ichigo come to reality when the light turn off.

Everybody throw their rubbish at the peach. Although Korosensei look actually hapy for being the main lead.

Meanwhile, Gakushuu who stare at the stage look unimpressed.

"Damn E-class" he mumble. 'Maybe I gave them to much credit.'


Gakushuu is daydreming much.....mostly because it's hard to write down the anime scene and I'm being lazy.

In Gakushuu mind Hana is the mastermind, although the reality is.... someone else is the mastermind. Anyone could guess?

A gift for Aidiladha to everyone! >-<

Stay safe!

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