Chapter 15: Leo

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Gakushuu walk to the school. She's wearing the pastel pink dress with brown long coat. Her long strawberry blonde hair move gracefully with every steps she took. But.... her legs were shaking.

"Why it is so cold in the morning?" she said to herself. It's winter.

She hug herself while gritting her teeth.

"This wouldn't happened if the water heater aren't broken." She remember the morning incident where the water heater in the bathroom was broken. Maybe because they use it too often.

The thing that made she more angry is how her father used it without even shiver from the cold and she couldn't wear pants but just a pair of black sock.

"This is why I hate wearing skirts"

"You overestimated your body ability to stayed in cold weather, aren't you?" A voice called from opposite her.

Gakushuu raise her head to meet a man with violet eyes and silver hair. He is wearing dark blue shirt with black slack and black coat. There is white scarf around his neck.

Gakushuu look at him, surprised.


Gakushuu stared at him as he walk closer and stand in front her.

Gakushuu eyes widen when the man put his scarf around her neck.


"You'll need it" he said with soft smile and eyes twinkle with mischief.

Gakushuu cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Thank you"

Gakushuu grip the scarf around her neck and adjust it.

Gakushuu then remember something.

"Oh- why you here, Leo?" Gakushuu look at him as the man stared at him with amusement. The height difference make Gakushuu need to raised her head.

"Mission called."

Gakushuu nod.

"So did you meet Hana?"

"Yes, I meet her first before visit Rosa and Dylan. Then I meet Edward at his apartment" He said.

"She the one that took me from the airport" He said looking at his watch.

"I gotta go. I have meeting." he said with a smile.

"Okay. Careful" Gakushuu said.

"I will" He pat her head sofly before walk away.

Gakushuu was stunned. She then put her hand where the man patted before.

A memory came to her mind.

"I will be with you, Shuu-chan"

She still remember the amber eyes that locked with her violet eyes.

She sigh. She couldn't remember who is it. After the incident that happened with her mother, she couldn't remember much of her childhood.

Her father said that she have head trauma. The tragic incident made her forgot many thing.

"Better walk now if I don't want to be late."

She walk to the hospital with both hand placed on her-Leo's scarf.

There storg smell of vanilla from the scarf.

Skip Time

"Ichigo-san" Nagisa look at the girl.

"Nagisa-kun" Ichigo smile softly. "You come to visit Kayano-san too?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes, I have promise with Sugino, Okuda-san and Kanzaki-san" Nagisa smile.

"Oh-where is they?"

"Umm- I think they come a bit late" Nagisa said.

"Great, let's eat first" Ichigo said as she drag him.

"Uh- yes" Nagisa look at the girl with great confusion.

"Beside, I have something to ask" she mutters it but loud enough for Nagisa to heard it.

Nagisa stared at her figure.

Skip Time

"Enjoy" the waiter put two cup of hot chocolate on the table.

Nagisa pick up his cup.

He then realised that Ichigo is staring at him.

"Umm- is there something you want to ask, Ichigo-san?"

Ichigo look at him.

"Ah-yes" she smile. "It is about Korosensei."

Nagisa stare at her.

"Do you think it is good thing to end his life or try to save he?"

Ichigo still keep her smile but it more too polite than her usual sweet smile.

Nagisa stare at her, surprised. "She look likes completely different person."

Skip Time

"It look like everything follow the plan, for now." Edward said.

"Yeah, for now" Dylan replied.

"Don't need to be sarcastic, you idiota" Rosa said, sweatdrops.

"Anyway, where's Hana?" Edward asked.

"...." They all stared to each other.

"Check the social media, dudes!"

There is a picture of a girl with tanned skin and blue hijab holding a cup of hot tea. The image is taken inside a cafe.

"Today is quite good for a cup of hot tea. Lucky to me, I have someone to share this moment with." -is written under the picture.

"Damn, that England's man!"


Next chapter

"May I have a tea with you?"

"Dude, I don't remember inviting you"

"That idiota, did he bully you again?"

"Don't worrylah , I can take care of myself"



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