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S.O information

Warning! Outsider



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Agent code: accepted


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Technology information

°Disguise Uniform

Chapter 2: It's a secret

-Allow the user to disguise as anything.

°Spy bugs

Chapter 3: Plan

-The bugs use colour disguise to hide.

-It have special camera under it that will record the colour of the surfaces before appear on it body and create colour illusion.

-It usually use to spy enemy place with micro camera.

-It also use for hear conversation of the enemy.

°Special Glasses

Chapter 10: Uncle

-There are two type of special glasses:

1-It's use to scan the code of agents.

2-It also can use to scan over wall and detect human movement.


Closed File


Alert! Outsider, Alert!

Shut down the alarm



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S.O Locations

Main unit:

Individual Island belong to Alfred Kingston (dead: 1997). One of the leaders of S.O. Now under the leaders of S.O.

Location: Information is private




Mission progress


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