Chapter 12: Secret Identity Time

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"Yesterday's drama festival was so fun, wasn't it ?" Nagisa said as he lean on the table in front Sugino.

"Sugino gave a really enthusiatic performance, huh ?" Sugaya said.

"I didn't know he could make such an evil face" Hazama said as she stand beside Nagisa.

Sugino put his chin on the table. "I tried to hard thinking about co-starring with Kanzaki-san." He put his face on the table. "She probably hates me after seeing my face like that though."

"That's not true Sugino-kun" Kanzaki said. "I though it was so cool that you could act"

"Really" Sugino raised his head quickly, excited.

Ichigo who watching from her table look at them while chuckle.


Ichigo look at her phone. A message from Rosa-nee-san.


'Why are there mountains of paperworks , child'

Child? Ichigo sweatdrops. Wait, paperworks? She then remember that Hana is staying with her.  Oh. Hana must have been doing her paperworks.

She type.

'Oh you know, students files, curriculum files, etc.'

She watch as Rosa type.

'Get some life, Gakushuu-chan'

'Said, the workaholic'

'I remember the time you have fever but still sat on your study desk and doing your work'

'Do you want to fight me?'

'How is everything?'

<    >

Ichigo watch as Rosa typing with furious as she changed subject.

She glanced to Nagisa who now walk out from class and go to Kayano.

'Is there something?'

She look at Sugino and others who chatting happily.

She then look at her phone to see 10 messages from Rosa-nee-san. She sweatdrops.

Skip Time

The classroom is shaking. Ichigo look up confused. 'Earthquake?'

Ichigo watch as everyone run out of class. She follow.

There dust around the store area. She watch as Isogai help Nagisa to walk.

There sound of someone panting.

"Korosensei" Nagisa call.

"What in the world was that just now?" Isogai ask.

Ichigo stare at him, wide eyes.


Ichigo turn to that noise.

Kayano stand on the roof, her hair was let down. There  are tentacles behind her.

Ichigo watch, surprised.

"Huh?" Okuda look surprised.

"Kayano-san?" Kanzaki said.

"What with those tentacles?" Nagisa stare totally speechless.

"Ah, I attacked with all I had, too. I can't believe I let him get away, I must underestimated him" Kayano said.

"Kayano-san" Korosensei said. "What in the world?"

"Sorry, Kayano Kaede is not my real name. If I said I'm Yukimura Aguri's little sister, you understand now, don't you, murderer."
She stare at Korosensei with hatred.

"Yukimura? Ahh" Hara look at her, surprised.

'Kayano's face after she stop acting lookes cruel, as if it belonged to someone else.' Nagisa stare.

"It's no use crying over split milk. I have to reset. I'll kill you again tommorow, Korosensei. I'll let you know beforehand."

"Now that I've fought tentacle-to-tentacle with you," she open her clothes button. "I know for sure, I can definitely kill you as I am right now." she said then use her tentacle to jump away.

They all stare, too shock.

"Unthinkable" Itona said. "If she grew tentacles without maintenance, she would have been under constant hellish pain. There no way she could bear it without having it show on her face."

"Not only that" Maehara said as he look at Sugino who stand beside her. "but she's Yukimura Aguri's little sister."

"Isn't that our old homeroom teacher?" Sugino ask.

"I though I'd seen Kayano before somehow. I remember after seeing her with hair down and her harsher expression" Mimura said showing to Isogai his phone.

"Do you remember Mase Haruna?" The phone show a girl with black hair.

"The young acting prodigy who could easily take on any role. It's been a while since she left the entertainment business and her hair and personality are completely different, so I didn't notice"

Ichigo look at Korosensei and then to Nagisa. She grip her phone tightly.

'I need to inform him.'

Nagisa who still shock look at them. 'Which is the real her?'

Special Talk with Asano Gakuho

Q: So, if Asano-chan doesn't have female friends in her ages, who she spent time with usually?

Gakuho: Depends. Sometimes when she angry usually she messages or call Edward-san but when she too bored she knock on my study door for learn. But this year she spent time more with Hana. I mean you know-

Gakushuu: We understand what you saying otou-san. Now, stop this or I kick you two out.

Gakuho: Okay, that's all.



Him? I wonder who is it.... ;p

So sorry for keep you guys waiting! School has been busier than before. Luckily, it's holiday now in here!

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