The Years After (Percabeth fanfic)

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Before read- This book is my very first fanfic! It's about the Seven's (mainly Percy and Annabeth) life after the war against Gaea though some things will be changed from the Rick Riordan "version" for lack of a better term. I do not own any of these characters and some of the personalities of the characters will be changed a bit in my version of the books. Also, there are some explicit scenes in this but I will be sure to warn you before hand and a summary will be given of what happened in the previous explicit chapter for those who are not comfortable reading that those who are, you will enjoy those chapters I promise *wink* *wink*. I just hope you enjoy the book but before I start it, I just want to make one thing perfectly clear-- NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID HATE COMMENTS. I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK BECAUSE I WROTE THIS FOR FUN, NOT FOR YOUR PERSONAL APPROVAL, ALSO IF YOU INSULT SOMEONE ELSE WHO MADE A NICE COMMENT YOU WILL BE HEARING AN EXTREMELY LONG RANT FROM ME BECAUSE THAT IS REALLY JUST RUDE AND HURTFUL AND SOME PEOPLE DON'T NEED ANY MORE HATE IN THEIR LIVES. YOU DON'T KNOW THEM SO BUTT OUT! Ok, rant over. Enjoy the book:) -Izzy

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