7. Wedding Crashers

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2 months later...

Before the wedding, while Hazel was fixing Piper's hair, Annabeth was going over the back up plan and the back up plan for the back up plan and the back up plan incase the back up plan for the back up plan failed. Annabeth was so stressed out despite the Aphrodite cabin planning everything.

"What if I mess up?" she said running her fingers through her hair.

"Annabeth, you won't mess up" said Hazel in a calming voice.

"What if I forget my vows and end up judo flipping him like last time"

Hazel laughed and held up a back of ice. "That's what this is for".

"Hold still your hair is coming undone" said Piper as she fumbled with clips while fastening her friends hair in place. "There" she said with a smile.

"One more thing" Annabeth said looking in the mirror. Thalia, who brought all the huntress' down for this occasion, raised an eyebrow. "What now?" she asked.

"Is the aisle spider free?" she asked.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Hey!" whined Percy "I think that's enough gel!"

"Just a little-"

"Leave the boy alone, Valdez" laughed Jason, fastening Percy's bow tie. he clapped his friend on the back. "Your good, man. Just remember when you say your vows, don't try to stutter or-"

Just then Frank walked into the room. "Dude, you need to hurry up. Annabeth's outside and Hazel is trying to stall her".

Percy nodded and took a deep breath. "I defeated Kronos, I am son of the sea god, and I escaped Tartarus" he trend and faced his friends, his face full of worry. "And I'm nervous".

"There is nothing to be nervous about, fish boy" said Leo rolling his eyes. "Just pray to the gods that you don't get judo- flipped again".

Poseidon and Aphrodite both stood in the corner squabbling about something.

"Poseidon, who is the love goddess here?"


"Exactly. Now if you would just-"

"But what if she-"

"Annabeth won't say no, kelp for brains. It's their wedding day after all!"

"But Percy-"

"He will be fine! Now shut up and put your tux on!"

As much as Percy hated Aphrodite, he was glad she came in to fix all of their outfits. Once his dad snapped his fingers and he was suddenly in a tux, he and Aphrodite both walked out to get seated. He fiddled with his bow tie one last time and took a deep breath once again.

He opened the doors and all his groomsmen walked out and he followed. Frank, Jason, Tyson and Leo all filed out. Percy asked Nico to be one of his groomsmen, but he declined. Guess he didn't want the attention.

All of them waited silently until the music began to play. In the crowd, everyone turned around but remained seated. Most of the gods came, except Hera and Hades. The hunters and the majority of the campers came as well. Nico and Rachel were sitting in the front row next to Percy's mom and Paul and Annabeth's dad and step-mom. Poseidon and Athena even sat next to each other but they were as far apart in the chairs as possible. I was glad they were able to settle their differences just for today, I knew it meant a lot to Annabeth that they both came.

Just then, the doors opened. The bridesmaids came out one by one. First it was Calypso (Annabeth and her became pretty close since Leo brought her back. It was awkward at first but by the end of the week, it didn't matter). Hazel came out next, followed by Piper. After them, Thalia came (she was the maid of honor).

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