1. Zues pays a visit

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I awoke to the sweet smell of cinnamon. I opened my eyes to see Annabeth sound asleep next to me. I looked around. 'Well Chirons' going to kill us this time for sure' I thought. We had spent the night off the camp grounds, past the protective force field. Frankly, I'm surprised a monster didn't come across us and taken us for a midnight snack.

I stood up, careful not to wake Annabeth, so I could scan our surroundings. It looked early, it was still dusk. If we are lucky, we can make it back before breakfast. I knelt down and brushed my fingers on Annabeth's cheeks, pushing back the hair on her face.

"Annabeth, wake up, we have to go now" I whispered softly. She groaned as her big grey eyes fluttered open. I smiled only to receive a glare from her. "We did it again didn't we" she mumbled. I nodded and she just groaned. After helping her up, we began our half jog back to camp.

We came around back behind the cabins. Being as sneaky as possible, we made our way to my cabin. Just as we got past the Zues cabin we heard giggling comings from inside. "Is that Jason?" I whispered to Annabeth. She looked at me for a long second and it finally clicked. "Piper?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Your such a seaweed brain" she commented before continuing to crawl over to the Poseidon cabin. I grabbed her wrist and she turned to face me. "What?!" she hissed. Annabeth hated getting caught. "What do you say we have a little fun with the couple?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows just as another girly giggle came from the cabin. Annabeth grinned. "I have the perfect plan" she said in her usual Annabeth fashion.

After Annabeth explained the plan to me for the fifth time, we were ready. Annabeth tipped-toed over to the cabins door while I remained in the back with a bucket of water. Annabeth banged on the front door, which was my signal. "Jason! It's your father. Open up!" I shouted in my deepest voice possible. I heard fumbling around in the cabin and Jason whisper something that didn't sound to nice. "Um, ah, dad, just a minute" yelled Jason from the cabin. "Now!" I screamed and I heard a thump come from inside the cabin then a groan.

Annabeth then did her part, she stormed into the cabin and I used my powers to create a moisture cloud to surround Annabeth to keep her body hidden. "Uh, Dad, I can explain" stuttered Jason. Just then, Piper came up behind me. "Hi, Percy, what ya doing?" she asked. I looked up at her in disbelief. "If your out here, then who is in there with Jason?" I exclaimed. "Someone is in there with Jason?" she asked looking confused. "We heard a girl..." I began and I knew I said to much. Piper looked like smoke was about to come out of her ears. "A girl?" she said through her teeth.

Just then, I heard Annabeth burst out in laughter. Piper and I sprinted into the cabin and saw Jason on the ground with a dollhouse and dolls. My eyes widened. "Where is she?" growled Piper. "Where is who?" asked Jason who looked so embarrassed. Piper began screaming at Jason and flipping out. Annabeth and I looked at each other and slowly began backing out of the cabin. Once we got out of the door, we went into a full on sprint to the safety of my cabin.

We slammed the door and looked at each other breathing heavy. Annabeth smiled and eventually we both broke out in a fit of laughter. "Dolls?" I asked still laughing. Annabeth nodded with a massive smile on her face. Gods I loved that smile. I held the sides of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. "What was that for?" she asked. I looked into her deep gray eyes that I loved looking in then kissed her again. "Percy what are you doing" she said laughing after we pulled away. "I just kinda love you" I said with a smirk. Annabeth blushed. "I love you too, but I really need to go and get dressed. If people see me in my clothes from yesterday then they might start asking questions" she said going for the door.

I grabbed her waist before she could leave and she looked up at me. This time she kissed me and then she left. I stood there like an idiot as I watched her walk away. "Gods" I said exhaling.

* * * * * * * * * *

As I walked to my cabin, I smiled the whole way there. I couldn't help it. It was late enough that my siblings were all gone for breakfast so I quickly changed and headed down to the dining hall. I went to grab a plate before sitting at the 7's table. Since the battle against Gaea, Chiron and Reyna gave us our own table.

Looking back on it, a lot has happened in the past 3 years. After the battle, the gods, afraid this would happen again, combined their Greek and Roman selves and went by their Greek names (unless the god was purely Roman). When the Gods combined, the two camps decided to combine as well, to create Camp Demigod. It was set up like New Rome but it was in America and had the actual camp off to the edge of the city. Jason (who, along with Percy were the two sword trainers for the younger kids) and Piper (who was still her cabin leader) are still really close (well, depends on if they figured out this morning), Frank (who was now the leader of our current army) and Hazel are better than ever, Nico has actually gotten really close to Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the oracle.

As for Leo, he is still gone on his quest to find Calypso but he still Iris messages us every other day just to let us know he is okay. Jason, Nico and Percy actually went to check up on him about a month ago and they hung out for a bit but Leo told them to go home, saying this was for him to do and him alone. Nico was really bummed because ever since the war, him and Leo became really close. They were best friends and I think it was Leo who helped set Nico up with Rachel.

And Percy and I we are better than we have ever been in our whole lives. I am the head architect for Olympus and the city that we have created, Percy was one of the generals in the army as well as the co-head sword trainer with Jason. We are happy.

I sat down next to Percy who was in a fresh new orange t-shirt with the Camp Demigod logo on the front and a pair of cargo shorts and flip-flops. Jason and Piper sat across from us holding hands, so I guess they made up. Frank and Hazel sat next to us across from Nico and Rachel (Nico, was allowed to sit with us because he was practically one of us and Rachel didn't have a table so she just sat with us anyways).

Percy put his arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulders. "Have any of you talked to Leo yet today?" asked Hazel. We all shook our heads. "Why don't we all Iris message him after breakfast before training begins" said Nico. "I can't, I have an early training session today, which I am already late for" Frank said looking at his watch. He stood up, kissed Hazel, then headed off to the training grounds. "Jason and I may be able to squeeze in a little bit of time but we have a whole new class to teach in a bit" said Percy. Hazel looked at me with hopeful eyes. "I would love to but I have to work on the new library, right now all we have is a shed with a bunch of books in it and it leaks" I said feeling kind of bad. "I'll go" said Rachel. Hazel smiled. "Me too, I haven't seen that crazy kid in a while" said Piper with her usual kind smile. "Perfect, we better go now before some other group of kids takes over the big Iris messenger" said Rachel.

After they left, it was just Jason, Percy and I. "Please don't talk about this morning. To anyone" Jason glared at us. Percy smirked. "Only if you tell us why in Hades were you playing with dolls". Jason took a deep breath. "You can't tell anyone okay?" he looked very serious. "Promise" Annabeth and I said.

"Okay, those were Thalia's and mom gave them back to her when Thalia paid her a visit and then Thalia gave them to me. She said that if she couldn't have kids, she wanted me to give them to my kids and Piper and I..." he trailed off.

"Oh my gods your pregnant!" whispered Annabeth in a horse voice. "No, no, gods no. Well I don't think. But I think we are ready for the next step, I know Piper is ready. I mean we are 20, we've been together for almost 5 years and I think I might propose on our anniversary in 3 months" Jason blushed.

I smirked. "I knew it" I said with a smile. Annabeth smiled "You better make it perfect. She is daughter of Aphrodite after all". Jason groaned "Gods, I know, I just was it to be amazing I just don't know how". "You'll be fine, you have months to think about it and no matter how you do it she will say yes" I said. "Thank bro" he said much more confident. "Well, we really should get to that lesson, see ya, Annabeth and don't tell anyone" said Jason pointing at the two of us. "No problem" said Annabeth.

"Bye wise girl" I bent down and kissed her cheek. She hated kissing in public but I couldn't help myself. "Bye sea-weed brain" she muttered clearly embarrassed.

As Jason and I walked we were talking about Piper and the proposal. "You know, I bought a ring" I told him. Jason grinned. "Really?" "Yeah, it was about a month ago, I've just been waiting for the right time" I said. "Why don't you make the right time. Take her down to the beach, have a picnic under the stars, all romantic and stuff then ask her" Jason said. I chuckled.

"So you can plan my proposal but not your own".

"Hey, you don't have the goddess of love breathing down your neck to make sure it's perfect"

"No, I have something much worse. I have Athena" I shuddered at the thought of Athena taking the time to remove my manly parts so I wouldn't "mess around" with her daughter.

"Ooo, yeah, you win" Jason grimaced.

"You know what, I'm going to do it. Tonight. I am going to propose. I love her and she loves me, that's all that really matters right"

"Right, you should just go for it" he nodded.

"Hey, can you handle today's lesson without me, I gotta plan this" I said running away before he could reply. I was going to make this amazing, even if it kills me.

***Hey guys! It's your favorite fanfic writer! Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to kick things off. If you have any suggestions, feel free to go ahead and suggest them but be sure to make the POSITIVE. And if you are going to critic me, make sure it's constructive and not just flat out rude. Any who, enjoy the book! I have a lot of fun filled Percabeth drama coming your way *wink* *wink*

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