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The frowning nong lazily drag himself at the said cafeteria, his friends were waiting and he still needs to know what happened last night that made his lip to have a wound. He smack his own head  thinking how dumb he was for drinking that liquor knowing he has 0% alcohol tolerance. He signed once more as he reached the place and quickly sat next to his friend Zon who is busy typing something on his laptop while Duen is feeding him. Surely, Zon is lucky he has maid then there is Mark, napping at the table.

"Hey." He called his friends, the three then looked at him seriously but that didn't take long when the three suddenly burst out laughing making Team to frown.

"Dude, you passed out last night after thinking that P'Win is a pork cutlet," Duen started laughing loudly.

"But after a minute you went back to life and started flirting with P'Win." Zon added still laughing remembering how embarassing his friend did last night.

Everyone was surprised at the sudden laugh of Team, Mark who was about to take him away froze as the tone of his friend was not the usual tone but the tone of someone hitting on someone.

"P', you know I like pork cutlet," the nong said, his friends were just watching him thinking what the hell he is doing and the fact that Team was still on the senior's lap made them want to slap him so hard.

"Should I buy you one then?" Replied Win, the nong pouted and shook his head as he pokes the seniors cheeks.

"I like pork cutlet so much," Team repeated.

"But I like you more." Team smiled at the senior that made Win to froze, the nong then chuckle as he lifts his both hands in the air.

"Arghh! What the hell!" Team yelled as he remembered that part he looked at his friends again and when Mark was about to open his mouth to say something, Team shushed him. Now, he doesn't want to hear nor remember anything that happened last night, he surely is an embarassment and from today onwards he is cursing the liquor to death.

"You even jumped on P'Win's lap, you said you were riding a big dog! PWAHHAHAHAHAHHA." Mark's laugh made Team to cover his ears and close his eyes in annoyance trying himself not to remember anything but--

"To all of the dogs I've seen," There he is, starting some idiotic words again. Win hitches as he tried to control not to be tamed by the nong who is slowly moving on his lap.

"You are the most adorable one, hihi." The statement of Team may cringes the others but it made Win to be at ease.

"Yeeheet! I am riding a big dog! Go goldie, go!" Said Team using his hand turning it around as if he is on a race.

"Calm down Team." Said Win trying to calm the nong.

"Or you will be awaken the big dog inside the cage." Saifah interrupted making Win to almost hit him, Team suddenly got confused as he pointed Win.

"But he is the big dog, the only big dog I want to ride!" Like a kid whose toy was snatched away by another kid, the nong crossed his arms and pouted his lips.

"Oh shia! Stop talking, Ai'Mark! Just stop there!" Team shook his head still covering his ears, the three were unstoppable as they were still laughing.

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