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"Why did we run anyway?" Asked Mark catching his breath as they stop running when they knew that they were already far from the cafeteria, Duen and Zon looked at each other confused.

"I wonder why too?" Added Zon, Team narrowed his eyes as he push the forehead of his friends as he look at them.

"They are coming!" Duen said loud.

"Yes, because they are coming!" Team repeated but answered Zon's question.

"No! I mean they are heading this way!" Duen said and was about to drag Team away but was dragged by the senior named Bon that made him surprised and was covered her face in red.

"I-WAdee!" Duen greeted them awkwardly so as the rest.

"Why are you running away?" Asked Saifah as he crossed his arms, skew his mouth and walks around them, North followed so as Vee.

"Because..." Team was about to reasoned but was paused as he doesn't know what to say especially when Win's eyes locked into his.

"Because..?" Win's voice made Team to feel unease as he look around trying to think how to escape.

"Because Mark needs to poop!" Team can't think of any reason aside from that and Mark immediately catches his friend's idea, he put his hands on his stomach as he groaned.

"Owh, I- I need to go to the bathroom asap!" Mark acted, face crumpled that made Bon to raise his brow.

"Oh really? V can accompany you." Said North as he put his arm around V's shoulder. Mark rolled his eyes and stood straight.

"No thanks, I'm good." Mark replied and scoots over to Duen and Zon.

"Hey, what you have said last---" Win's words has been paused as Team immediately covered his hand on Win's mouth with furrowed brows.

"Aiisshhh! Shhhh! Shhh!" Team shushed and drag Win away, the senior chuckle as he let the nong to drag him. As they reached the shade of the tree, Team stopped and looked at the senior.

"What happened last night is just--"

"So you're shy now?" Win laughs as he remembered how the nong were so bold last nigh.

"Who's shy?! I'm Team, idiot!" Team barked rolling his eyes at the blonde. The blonde then pushed the nong's forehead as he smirk.

"Win is just for Team because---" once again, Win was shushed again by the nong as the placed his index finger on the senior's lips.

"That is because I was drunk!" Team reasoned, Win took the hand of the nong as he put it down and grins.

"And hungry, you said I was delicious." Team's blood boils as he remembered last night's memories, he glared at the senior again.

"Shut it, goldie." The senior then laughs again as he smack gently the nong's head.

"What!? I am so hungry please don't get in the way!" Team yelled and run away as fast as he could, as soon as he reached his friends he dragged them away with him.

The boys happily dig in their food, Team closed his eyes feeling how delicious the pork cutlet is.

"Oi Team." Called Zon, Team opened his eyes to look at the owner of the voice.


"You seems to like P'Win." Zon added, Mark paused so as Duen and looked at Team waiting for his reaction and reply but the cheeky boy just skew his mouth and chew his food.

"Oi team, do you like P'Win?" Asked Duen, Team rolled his eyes as he clicked his tongue.

"How do I know? He still gets into my nerve." Said the pikachu face that made Mark to narrow his eyes.

"How though?" Asked Duen, Team just shrug and put another spoon of food in his mouth.

"Why are you asking me that? Just help me-- oh, I got an idea. If he made me drank and embarrass then, I will make him as well!" The grin on Team's face indicating that it is going to be evil making Zon to scratch his head and went back to eat.

"What idea? Can you share it to me?" Asked the person who Team is talking about. Their eyes went wide, Team's eyes can't be wider anymore, he slowly looked behind and was welcomed by the face of the blonde haired senior.

"AHhhhhhhhh!" Team screamed as he was surprised at how close their face were, the senior then covered the nong's mouth and smiled.

"Long minutes no see," said Saifah sarcastically as he sat nex to Zon, the nong's face crumpled as he doesn't actually know why he hates the latter .

"We meet again!" Saifah said to Zon but instead, the nong just smiled timidly.

"Oi why are you following us?" Team asked, Win and North then added the table so they can all fit in one.

"Someone said follow your dream," Win wiggle his brows making Team to skew his mouth not even understanding the senior's reply.

"Nobody named Dream here, you must be mistaken." Team replied making Win to scratch his head as how slow the kid was.

"You are my dream." Win whispered not letting anyone to hear it, Team showed a questionable face as he looked the senior before going back to eat.

"P'North, can I go to your room later? You said you'll help me with my project." Mark turned to North, the senior just nods as he puts some pork on the Team's plate.

"Eatwell kiddo." Said North, Team smiles widely and thank the senior.

"Ai'North, no snatching of wife." Said Win possessively that made North to chuckle and took back the pork from Team's plate and put it on Mark's.

"Chill boy, I am just being a good brother to your wife khap." North teased Win that earned a smack from Bon.

"Why did you take that back P'?" asked Team and pouted. North pointed Win using his lips and shrugs, Mark then put back the pork to Team's plate.

"No snatching of Wife, Nong." Said Win, Mark seems to be brave to raise his brows and looked bravely at the blonde senior's eyes without hesitation.

"You aren't married and you arent even lovers, stop claiming my friend, he doesn't belongs to you." Said Mark and stood up after, his words made the senior to be surprised, just now their junior have been rude.

"You can punish me later, you're fucking good at that but you still can't have my friend." The nong added before leaving, Zon and Duen were surprised as well at how their friend acted. While Team? As soon as Mark puts the pork he seems to became deaf as his only focus were just on the food, he was then pulled by Zon and Duen to follow Mark.

"He is right anyway." North agreed at the nong.

"He needs to be fucking punished." Said V but instead Win just signed them No and followed the nongs back.

"That damn kid is right." Win hissed as he felt attacked by the nong's words earlier.

"But you can make him yours." Bon said wiggling his brows.

"Don't be so down, if you have feelings for the nong then I am willing to help." Saifah the one who eats silently has now spoken.

"But you don't, better leave him away." North said drinking his water and started eating.


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