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"New set of cookies again?" Asked North as he saw the box again. It's been a month since Bohn is receiving cookies which what he likes, he doesn't usually like cookies but after tasting those, it taste different and amazingly delicious.

"Your admirer must be a culinary student," said Saifah as he placed his bag next to Bon.

"You seems to like the cookies your admirer made." North stated sitting on his desk looking at his friend. There is only three of them now since they were really the only ones who comes to school early, their lazy friends which are Win and V usually are late, that's when Win started pursuing the kid from the Economic Faculty.

"You know, I really am curious, does your admirer usually comes here earlier than us just to put this on your desk?" Saifah shook his head as what he had thought. The effort of his friend's admirer should be praised.

"Don't know either, usually, they would just wait me outside to give me their gifts but this one's quite mysterious." Bohn said, opening the box, his eyes narrowed and his friend's laughter filled the room.

"I thought it will be heart shape but seems like it is--" Saifah paused as he hinted North to continue his statement.

"A lizard." North continued and the two laughs again.

"Whoever made this, surely is brave." Saifah said once again and sits comfortably on his seat and not that long their classmates then went in one by one.

"What? A lizard shape?" Team asked as he take a look at the cookies, he looked at Bohn and back to the cookies and to Bohn agan and to the cookies--- then burst out in laughter.

"You really look like lizard P'Bohn." Said Team laughing, Bohn then narrowed his eyes as his friends came to laugh with Team.

"If you aren't just my bro's lover, you are probably dead by now." Bohn said raising his right brow making Team to stick his tongue out, teasing Bohn more.

"Duen! Zon!" Called Team as he waved happily at them, Win got his hand on his lover's shoulder as they waited for the nongs to arrive at their table.

"Sawadee khap P'." The two nongs who just arrived greeted the seniors, Bohn's eyes narrowed as he saw the other nong getting a red face. He just wonder why everytime they meet the nong's face will be pale nor red and the last thing, they haven't made an eye contact longer than 3 seconds because the nong seems to be avoiding the senior's gaze.

"Mark said he can't eat with us today," said Zon as he smiled at everyone. The senior seems to understand and looks at V like he was the culprit why the nong can't make it today.

"V punished him, I pity N'Mark." Said North taking a bite at the cookies that Bohn's admirer made.

"Then why not take my punishment instead of him?" Asked V, North shrug as he smirk at his friend.

"He looks hot when sweaty so I prefer not to." North backed at V making the latter to make such a face, Saifah then laughs at how his friend mocks the other and fist bump at North.

"By the way, do you know someone that is good in baking?" Asked Saifah as he eats the head of the lizard cookie.

"Oh, P'Bohn has been receiving cookies almost a month now and they doesn't have any clue who it was." Team tells his friends, Zon nods but Duen just stay still eating his own food.

"Well, I know someone who is good at baking but he isn't into P'Bohn so I think, he is not that person." Zon said looking at Duen then back to Bohn.

"Oh yeah, Duen is so good at baking!" Team boast making Duen to blush.

"But he is too naive to have a crush." Added the cheeky boy, he was then feed by the blonde next to him that made Bohn to look away.

Darkness started to spread, Duen was left alone as Team was fetched by his hia and Zon was called by his aunt regarding to his cousin who seems to be coming to Bangkok to study the next year and Mark? He doesn't know where, Duen missed Zon already since compared to the other two, Zon is his closest, they knew each other since kindergarten and he knew alot about Zon. They were sharing secrets that the two doesn't know since they have a lot of happenings in their life and it is only him and Zon who is always left to accompany each other. Duen sighed as he think of going to grocery to buy some ingredients.

Walking slowly as he pushed the cart, Duen then looks around trying to find some flour for his new recipe. He just wants to bake something for his younger sister since she likes cookies the most. He smiled remembering something that he didn't notice a familiar person coming, he was a about to take some but was stopped when his eyes catches someone.

"Shia! Shia!" Duen cursed as he step backwards, hurriedly before the person can reach him, he is already gone as he hid behind the big standee. He sigh in relief as he put his hand on his chest.

"That was close." Duen mumbled.

"Why are you hiding there?" The voice made Duen to be surprised as his senior's face suddenly shows.

"I-I..." Duen stutter as he looks at where the person he is afraid to meet earlier was, but it's nowhere to be found now  He sighed in relief once again but was startled again as Bohn said something that Duen doesn's clearly heard.

"What?" As soon as Duen faced the senior, he just realized that the senior is Bohn, his eyes widened as his cheeks were now flushed in red.

"I-I g-gotta t-to go... hehe." Awakwardly Duen said as he immediatly ran not letting the senior to answer. As soon as he arrived as the parking lot, he slammed his face as he was getting redder.

"I thought he left..." said Duen, because the person he avoided the most is the person who asked him why he is hiding. He felt embarass as he bit his lower lip.

"Ai'Stupid...." Duen said once more but smiles as he remembered how handsomes the senior was especially when their face were close.

"So handsome..."


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