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Team woke up by the sudden call, he lazily took the call. He got so exhausted last night and he don't even know the caller was. He still have class today but he prefers not to go, they stayed at Win's residence last night and came back so early so he took a nap but that nap went into slumber.

"Why didn't you said that you are in a relationship with Win?" Team's eyes grew wider, he looked at the phone screen and was startled seeing his mother's name. He cleared his throat.

"Uh mom, I am so---"

"If his mom didn't call me to tell what did you said last night, I wouldn't know." The tone of the mother seems to be sulking that made Team to pressed his lips but smile anyway.

"Mom you're not mad right?" The mother hummed and Team knew she is sincere. He feels so happy.

"But why didn't you tell me earlier so I could just you set you up with him?" Team chuckle as he rolled on his bed.

"I didn't knew his father would do that and mom, I didn't even recognize P'Win's mom last night," Team started and to tell stories and is happy that his mom could listen to him even just on a call.

"Do I look good? Am I handsome now?" The anxious boy asked as he keep on fixing his hair, his lover giggle knowing how handsome he is even if he didn't fix his hair like this.

"What are you being anxious for? Mom and Dad is the best." By that Bohn smiled at Duen, he hugged the nong before he planted some kisses on the nong's forehead.

"Mom knew you already, I am afraid your dad would kill me or hang my head on the street." It is the first time that Duen could hear this from him. He hugged him tighter before they prepare to leave.

"How did it happen?" The fierce eyes of Zon's father landed on Saifah that made the lovers to feel uncomfortable. The angelic face boy took a deep breath as he stood up and bow.

"Father- No- Uncle, I may made the wrong decision before but I promise this time, your son is the person who I want, the person who I am so inlove with and even our friends call us the pup and the owner, I don't care, because he really is my owner--" Saifah was cutted off as the father interrupted but Saifah stay still.

"How can we guarantee that you won't hurt him anymore." And by that, Saifah raised his head as he smiled.

"You can kill me." The father slapped himself as he saw the smiling face of his son's lover, who could be smile at this?

"Please sir, can I have your son again?"

North kisses Praram's hand before he smiled at him. The moment they arrived at the nong's house made the nong to feel nervous, North knew that Praram isn't that close to his parents and him- asking for their consent to make their relationship legal. The silence filled the area, the mother has been eyeing their hand and Pralak were smiling, so happy for his twin.

"Aunt, I came here to ask for your consent to take Praram with me. I may be still a student but I am already making a living, I don't want him to feel lonely again. All I want is your yes and everything will be fine. But if you refuse, It's a matter of business." North surely is brave, Praram bit his lower lip hearing North's voice, how can he said those without being scared?

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