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North came in with Praram, as soon as they saw Zon waving at them, they immediately went to them and took the empty seats but their eyes landed on one person only, Team- who is now ducking his face on the table looking so helpless.

"What happened to your friend?" Asked V as he sat next to Mark who were chatting with Duen and Zon, Mark turned to face V.

"Drunk, he just sips the glass of water that Zon used but since he has 0% alcohol tolerance, look at him, dying already." Mark stated. V just nods as he turned to North and touch his arm giving some hints to talk Team but his friend seems to be so focus on Praram that made him crumpled his face, he looks around and his face went more sour as he saw his friends being so sweet and hands on with their lovers, he look at Mark as he thinks of doing things that lovers do but just sighed as he remembered that they were not.

"What?" Mark asked as he saw the intense stare of the senior to him. V just smiled as he put his arm around the nong's shoulder acting as if he isn't nervous to be punch by Mark.

"H-Hey..." Team mumbled and all of their eyes darted to him, he lifted his face and North clench his fist as he saw how red the nong's face were, Bohn pressed his tongue on his gums as he felt pity for the nong seeing his eyes became smaller and looks like he just cried.

"Why didn't you tell me that Engineering faculty is a zoo," the drunk boy continued as he laugh making the engineering boys to narrow their eyes. Team turned Bohn and the boy laugh loudly as he pointed at the senior.

"Duen is right, he looks like a giant lizard hahahahaha..." The pissed face of Bohn became crumpled as the nong said those hearing a laugh from all them, the nong then turned to North as he pointed him as well, his eyes that were only lines now and his red face really looks cute.

"Bad wolf..." Team said and chuckle, he turned to Saifah and he was taken aback as he moved his face closer making Saifah to be confuse and Zon to laugh knowing that his friend have thought of something stupid.

"Puppy..." said Team and now, he turned V and let out a loud laugh again.

"The wolf and the shepherd" he pointed at the two, he lazily lifted his face more making Mark to want to smack his friend and V just to laugh at how funny he is now.

"How did I become a shepherd?!" Mark snarled and Team gulped as he squinted his eyes but still laughs and pointed Duen, Zon, Praram and himself as he moved closer to Mark.

"Because we are the sheeps you are protecting from the Bad wolves!"the last words is intended for V and North making the rest of the seniors to laugh, North surely is annoyed but can't help to laugh at the nong's face. How can he be so careless?

"You wanna go home?" Asked Mark but Team just pouted and shook his head as he ducked his face again on the table, Mark sighed ready to sit beside Team but was stopped by V.

"Just let him, he'll cry later." Mark was about to protest but after hearing a sob his eyes went wider as he furrowed his brows to V.

"Last time..." Team started again slamming his hand on the table, face still on the table.

"I laughed at how Duen became sad because his lizard said he already has a girlfriend," Team pathetically laugh making Duen to tear up seeing how miserable his friend right now is. He looks at Bohn and as the senior nods Duen came to rub his friend's back.

"I even joked to Zon about him still being inlove with his ex who doesn't care at him all, who knows, the puppy would still go back to his owner." The laugh were replaced by a sob and sniffing, Zon looked away, he feels sorry for his friend, he seems to be lively the other day or should he say everyday but seeing him and hearing his sobs pierced his heart.

"Now, I feel how Praram felt back then..." His sobbing went more loud making Mark to went over, hearing his friend cries is something he can't handle anymore.

"Smiling all day but crying when alone, laughing and joking around but hurting inside, do I deserve to suffer the pain? Do we all deserve this?" Team raised his head, Mark bit his lower lip as he wiped the tears on his friend's face. He knew him, this kid won't cry if it doesn't hurt, he is strong but strong ones were weaker ones.

"So you!" Team turned to V as he glared at him. V raised his two hands as if he is surrendering.

"Don't hurt my friend because if you do, I'll cut your head!" Team said as he pointed his head but paused glared at V more.

"2 heads!" Team added as he showed him his two fingers, even though he is hurt, he still can lighten up the mood.

"Ai'Mark..." Team mumbled as he hugged Mark, V frowned and Team chuckle as he pushed his friends away.

"Go back to your lovers, I don't want to be the..." Team paused again as he looked at them, pointing each other....

"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16... wow you all have twins, anyway, I don't want to be the 17th wheel." Team said pouting ducking his face again. Mark sighed and still sat next to his friend, everyone shared a stare and V can't it anymore as he moved his seat next to Mark.

"What do we do?" Asked Duen. Bohn rubbed his lover's shoulder to calm him down.

"I got an idea." Said V and by that, all of their eyes darted to him and base on how he smiles, it is something you can say evil.


Well, thanks everyone for patiently waiting and yeah, stay safe everyone!

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