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North slammed the door wide open as he let his invited guests enter his house, yes, his house which his parents bought since it is his birthday wish, sometimes he'll come home sometimes he'll just stay at his condo,it depends on the mood. Saifah then dumped himself on the sofa getting exhausted for the whole day of leading the juniors.

"Didn't you say Pralak is with you?" Asked V as he sat across where Saifah is sitting, Saifah raised his head as he look at his friend.

"He is not Pralak, He is Praram." North replied uninterested making V to nod his head.

"Zon's cousins?" Saifah questioned making North to look at him yet raised his brow later after a few seconds.

"How d'you know?" V was curious on how Saifah knew alot about Zon, he even hasn't saw them talking in person nor having a time together.

"I told you, I am great." The tallest said smirking, comfortably laying down.

Suddenly, the door opened as the cute nong entered but that made them surprised as the nong is with someone. North furrowed his brows, he actually doesn't know why the nong is on his care when in fact he still have relatives in Thailand, there is Zon's family, he at first agreed when his mother said it was Pralak but seems like the fate isn't on his side when he fetched the nong and saw that it is Praram, both were twins and really lookalike but North's eyes were on Pralak everytime before that is why he can clearly say who is who. He doesn't hate Praram nor dislike the kid but after knowing what is the reason why he was here rather than his twin, North became mad.

"Ahh..." Praram utter as he saw the seniors staring at him or should he say- them. He then raised his head to look at his senior.

"Do you think it is your own home, freely bringing someone without the real owner's consent?" Asked North darting his eyes at the nong. Praram looked down as he feel ashamed with those eyes.

"I-I... I thought you're not going home so I brought P'Mark, uhmm, he volunteered to tutor me." The kid reasoned making North to stand up as he went towards them- Mark then waid at him trying to avoid someone's glare.

"You can call Zol to tutor you, is that really the real reason? Or is it something else?" The tone and face North were showing makes Praram to feel more shy and unable to talk as he bit his lower lip, he tried his best not to tear up and was about to answer but Mark squeezed his hand making him feel comfort.

"It is really just tutoring and If you think I have more intentions other than then we shouldn't be here," said Mark, he surely have some guts to answer his senior. North gave him a death glare and he didn't hesitate to glare back mocking him.

"You two should talk privately," V said standing up as well as Saifah when the air isn't going well, North nods looking at them then back to Mark.

"You really are getting to my nerves." Said North before he dragged Praram upstairs. Then, there is only 3 of them left and Mark knew he fucked up seeing the face of his senior not the angelic one but the devil one, before V could drag him out and Mark immediately went out leaving them, he hates V so much.

"Am I fifth wheeling?" Saifah asked ponting himself, V just rolled his eyes at his friend and went out as well.

"Of course you are fifth wheeling handsome Saifah, that is what handsomes do." The angelic boy talks at himself as he followed his friend out.

"What?" Asked Praram as he was being forced to sit on the bed. The senior then leaned on the wall as he crossed his arms glaring at the nong.

"Just go home and make Pralak come here." Said North making Praram to feel like he doesn't belong there,

"It is always like this, why isn't there a single person who will look for me not Pralak?" Praram said to his mind, feeling so empty, feeling so hurt.

"Why? We have the same face--"

"But you are not him." North interrupted making Praram to pressed his lips as he puffed his eyes, he nodded at the senior looking down at the floor.

"Do you want to study in Bangkok, Pralak?" Asked mom, smiling sweetly at my twin, my eyes opened wide as I thought of going with him here as well, I miss Zol so much, I miss P'Zon and everyone. Pralak smiled back at mom as he nodded.

"I have my friend contacted me, he just bought a new house for his son, you know North right?" The mother asked, Praram smiled hearing the man's name, it has been so long since they meet again and he is excited to see him as well, just the thought of it made Praram to blushed.

"Then you'll go to Bangkok and live with him since your Zol's parents said that their house were still in renovation and afraid that you won't be uncomfortable, since you have a good relationship with him back then so I am thinking, why not?" Said the mom happily, Pralak just smiled.

"Can I go too, mom? I miss P'North so much." As soon as Praram said those, the smile on mom's face suddenly fade as she sighed.

"No." After hearing it from mother, Praram was about to reply but seeing her mother's facial expression made him not to and be silent.

It was always like this for Praram, his mom always makes a face with Pralak but when it is his time to talk the mom would be in no mood, that is why he prefered to be silent everytime mom is talking to Pralak. Eventhough they are twins, the fact that his mom favoured Pralak so much makes him hurt, he almost cried every night, he even tried thinking of distancing himself from his twin since when there's a two of them, they only talk to Pralak, Pralak there, Pralak here.

"You still like P'North don't you?" Asked Pralak who just entered his room, Praram smiled at him as he bit his lower lip.

"I'm not interested in going anywa, you can go there acting as me." Pralak smiled at his twin as he hugged him.

Only Pralak who made him feel loved. He thank his twin for giving him the opportunity since their mother would be away, as soon as Praram arrived, his eyes immediately searched for someone, his smile went wider as he saw the senior, he was about to hug him but was stopped when the senior avoided it.

"Where is Pralak? Why is it you?" The welcoming question made his heart ache, he was hurt, hurt that even the senior isn't interested in him but for his brother. Praram smiled sweetly as he shrugs trying to hide the pain he is carrying.

Days went and the senior only went home twice a week or sometimes not, he stayed at near his school, Praram was hurt and sad by that but since he had the opportunity to meet with his cousins, he is so happy to meet Zol, they hang out every time the girl have time not until he meet Mark. Aside from his cousins, it is Mark who didn't look for Pralak in their first meet, Mark who is always at the nong's side making him laugh when he is so down.

"I can act like Pralak." Hurt, Praram said smiling at the floor.

"I hate impostors." North replied leaving the room, Praram sighed biting his lips as he looked at the ceiling,

"I thought coming here will be better but seems like not." Bitterly, Praram chuckle as he gently wiped his tears.

"If only P'North is P'Mark, if only..." the nong burst out crying as he can't help his tears anymore, the smiling he makes is the opposite of what he feels,  the bright mood he has greeting everyone is the opposite of how gloomy he feels inside.



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