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The day of the scheduled C-section came and both Sanem and Can were nervous and excited.   When they got to the hospital, they were taken to Sanem's room.   As she was being prepped for an epidural, Can was sent to change into green scrubs.  When he came back Sanem had fun teasing him about the ill fitting clothes.  He told her in a whisper, "I'm taking them home so we can play doctor and nurse in the near future."  Sanem was blushing when Dr. Yaman came into the room, and he said, "Nurse we need to check Sanem's temperature, she is very flushed."

Can and Sanem both laughed and told him she was really fine.  Sanem said, "Can is being a little naughty, that's why I'm red."  Dr. Yaman laughed and said, "I understand."  He then proceeded to tell them everything that was going to happen in the delivery room and that there would be a Pediatrician and a baby nurse for each baby.   Since they are a  little over three weeks early, do not be upset about them going to the Neonatal Unit for a physical, before coming to your room.   Can, you can go with the babies and I will take good care of Sanem, while you check on them.    Sanem will not rest if they are out of your sight, and we want her calm.  Sanem said, "Yes, please Can you go with the babies, or I will worry."   Can agreed but he felt conflicted because he wanted to be in two places at once.

After that everything moved rapidly, they were taken into the delivery/surgery room.  Sanem was numb, but awake during the procedure.   Can stood at her head, behind a shield hiding the surgical area.  The first baby was a girl, with dark hair. Sanem said, "There's Deniz."   Can said, "She looks like you and she was impatient to get out like you."   Next was a boy, little Ates, he cried almost immediately, and then came a quiet Yildiz.   Can kissed Sanem telling her, "I love you."   With tears in his eyes, he followed the babies, doctors and nurses to the Neonatal Unit.   Sanem got a good look at each baby, but she still wished she could go with them.

While Dr. Yaman was repairing Sanem's incision, all of sudden she started bleeding profusely.   She was opened back up while they looked where the bleeding was coming from.   Sanem passed out while they were working on her, and they called a code for help with the situation.   Can was in the nursery with the very healthy looking babies, when he heard the code called for the OR room that Sanem was in, one of the nurses grabbed his arm to keep him from running out.  The doctor standing there with them said, "Whoa hold on, you can't run into that room like this, come with me.  I will go with you and we will see what is going on. Come on."

When they got to the OR room, the doctor said, "You stand here with the nurse, while I find out what is going on."   He went into the OR room, and Can stood there with tears flowing while he waited to hear if his wife was okay.    He did not want to cause any problems for Sanem by running into the room, but it was killing him not knowing if she is okay.

In the OR room, Dr. Yaman got the bleeding stopped and completed the repair.   Sanem had awakened and was alert, asking about Can and her babies.   Dr. Yaman had Can come into the room, and explained what happened.   Sanem and Can listened while holding hands to Dr. Yaman explain that "Sanem's uterus was very relaxed because of the triplets.   It is called Uterine Atony, meaning that the uterus was so stretched that it was not contracting as it normally would after delivery.  This caused excessive bleeding, that we have stopped by giving Sanem Pitocin, a medication to help with the contractions, and it will help the uterus get back to normal.   This is not unusual after delivery of multiples, and also could have been some trauma from where you were hit by the car.   Everything is under control now, the excessive bleeding is stopped, and your nurse will be doing a manual massage of your abdomen every one hour for a while then every two hours, and for the rest of the day or until bleeding is normal for delivery.   It will not be comfortable, but it is necessary.   Now we are all finished here and I heard you have some healthy babies waiting to be cuddled in your room.   Go enjoy and I will see you later."

When they got back to Sanem's room, the nurses brought the babies to them.  They were told that all three babies weighed right at five pounds and their son is nineteen inches long and the girls are eighteen inches long.  They are very healthy, breathing well and vital signs are good.   The nurse instructed them that after they examine the babies, head to toe, just cover them back up to keep them warm.  She told Sanem to ring the call bell when she is ready to start breast feeding and she will come help.   Right now she was giving them some time alone to visit with their babies.

Sanem had Can place the babies on the bed between her legs, and started undressing them, one at a time.   Can said, "What are you doing?   We need to keep them warm."   Sanem said, "I am looking at our babies, then we will call our families to come visit."   They both had the best time getting to know their little dark haired Deniz and Ates, and their little light colored haired Yildiz.    They counted toes and fingers, then bundled them back up to keep them warm.    Can took pictures of Sanem with all three babies lying on her chest.  The nurse came in and took a picture for them of all of them together.   Sanem took one from her bed of Can in the chair with all three babies on his chest.   He has such a big chest that they had extra room. Sanem said, "Good there's room for me, too!"

After the nurse helped Sanem with latching on for breast feeding, and how to burp, she left them alone.   She did give Can some little bottles of water, that he could give sips if two babies were on the breast and one was crying.   After that Can put the babies back in their little bassinets, and he climbed in bed with Sanem and the whole little family took a nap until the grandparents came into visit.   They brought little teddy bears for the babies and flowers for Sanem.    Aziz brought his son a candy cigar, that Sanem said wasn't fair; she didn't get a chocolate cigar.   Mevkibe pulled a box of chocolates out of her purse and handed them to Sanem, saying "I know my daughter well!" 

Leyla and Emre came into to see their little nieces and nephew.   There were enough babies that everyone got turns holding them.   The whole family had so much fun holding babies, and loving each other. 

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