Eight: The Missing Piece

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Later that evening, after I was given some time to think everything through, I found myself in the back seat of Alpha Bloodmoon's car with Evan by my side. We were going back to the Bloodmoon pack; the last place in the world I would want to belong to. But, I did belong there, even after claiming that I didn't belong to a pack.

Earlier in the day, we went back to what was left of the small pack I used to belong to. I was aloud to grab what I could find of my belongings. They were all over the place, so I wasn't able to grab much. I tried to ignore the bodies of the people I once had conversations with, but there were too many. So many, that I broke down. Alpha Bloodmoon; my father, did his best to try to comfort me.

I couldn't call him my father; at least, now yet. Yes, he is my father, but he was never my Dad. To me, the definition of a father is someone who helped create you; nothing more, nothing less. My definition of a Dad is someone who guided you, someone who raised you to be the person you've become, someone who you look up to and trust to tell them all of your secrets, someone you went to when you had a problem. Alpha Bloodmoon just wasn't that. I don't blame him for it, since I was taken from him, but Alec was there when he wasn't.

I was given time to say thank you to Caden and Katherine for treating me right and helping me get back to my family. It wasn't all thanks, however. I apologized to Caden for being rude and difficult. He told me it was no problem; that he would've done the same if positions were switched.

The car was silent as Alpha Bloodmoon and Rowan stepped into it after saying their last goodbyes. Alpha Bloodmoon started the car and pulled away from the pack house and onto the road.

A couple if minutes into the ride, no words have been exchanged yet and it was killing me. Rowan must've read my mind because he spoke up, breaking the deafening silence.

"So..." he paused for a moment. "Anyone want to play twenty questions?" He waited for a response that never came. I saw his shoulders slump in defeat from no one answering his queation.

I sighed, "I'll play," I gave in, not wanting to see him upset.

"Okay!" He exclaimed. "I'll start." He stayed silent for a moment, as if he was thinking of a question. "Um... what's your favorite color?"

I had to genuinely think about it. I had never thought about what my favorite color would be. "Purple." I finally said after thinking for a while.

"Black," Evan said in a bored tone from next to me. I turned to him and saw the expression that his voice portrayed; boredom.

I saw Rowan nod from the front seat. "Mine is blue," he said and ran his hand through his light brown hair that resembled mine. I was still shocked about that fact that I had a twin brother. My whole life, I never had any family, other than Alec. Sure, Evan was there and I considered him as a brother, but, I never had anyone that I was related to by blood. Alec was never related to me by blood, but I was always lead to believe that he was.

"What's your favorite food?" Rowan asked the next question.

"We didn't have time for favorite foods. We ate to survive," Evan's voice echoed throughout the car harshly, making me suck in a breath through my teeth.  It was clear to me that Rowan had tensed at Evan's response.

"Sorry," Rowan muttered apologetically.

Evan! I hissed through our link. What is going on with you!

Nothing. He shrugged. What am I doing?

You're making him feel bad. Stop being so rude!

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