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George walked into the room and sat down at a table next to a large man. "You asked to see me?" The man looked at George "It's nice to see you again George. I'm sure you're wondering why I asked for you." George nodded. "Take a look at this picture" the man slid a picture across the table.

George looked at the picture. The picture had a group of men standing together clinking their beer mugs. "Do you recognize the people in the photo?" the man asked. George shook his head, the men looked familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. The man pointed to one of the men in the photo "That's George Washington"

 George shook his head "It can't be him, he's dead" The man looked at George "You and I should be dead too but here we are, living and breathing again" George stared at the photo in disbelief, "Who are the other men in the photo?" The man pointed to each of the men as he said their names "Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, John Laurens, and Alexander Hamilton"

George stared at the photo "They've all been brought back to life?" The man nodded "Yes they have, and it isn't only them," he brought out another picture. "What about these women? Can you recognize them?" George shook his head again. "They're my wives, all six of them. They were brought back to life"

"Henry, how is this possible? Why were any of us brought back?" George asked. "I don't know that, but I do know one thing. This is our chance to make the wrongs right." Henry said taking back the photos. 

George smiled "This is why you called me here, so we could finally plot our revenge against the people who wronged us." Henry smiled "I knew you would get it. Those men stole from you after everything you did for them. They took what you gave them to rebel against you." George got angry just thinking about it.

"As for the women, all I asked for was a male heir and they decided they wanted to defy me. When I took matters into my own hands I was painted as the villain. Now I finally get my chance to avenge myself." Henry laughed.

"So how do you plan to get this revenge you speak of," George asked. "Whatever you're planning I want to be a part of." Henry laughed again, "That's the best part." A man walked out of the shadows. "George, meet my friend the Squip"

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Revenge. Thank you so much for reading.

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