Chapter 10: Secrets

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Janis was walking and talking to her new friend Veronica. They had similar senses of humor and were sharing horror stories of the big three in the cliques at their school. "Yeah and then Heather told Heather to grow up because bulimia was "So 87" which is when the teacher came in and told them they were late. I had forged their names on a hall pass which got them out of trouble. The original plan was just to get them to tolerate me enough where everyone else would leave me alone but instead they offer me the option to join their group and me being the stupid person I was I accepted. At least now I know what goes on in the minds of the popular girls"

Janis laughed, "I know what you mean. My friend Cady did something very similar. She got an offer to sit at a table with the Plastics at lunch and I told her to accept so she could see what was inside the mind of a Plastic. She ended up becoming just like them. If I could rewind I think I would tell her to sit with them again though. Even if her becoming a Plastic was a bad thing it taught everyone at that school an important lesson." Veronica nodded, "Sometimes people need to be taught the hard way for them to truly understand."

Janis smiled, "See you get me and I get you." Veronica nodded and bit her lip. "Is something bothering you Veronica?" Janis asked. Veronica nodded and turned to Janis whispering in her ear, "Yes something is bothering me but I don't want to talk about it here." Janis looked at her, "What? Why not?" Veronica grabbed Janis's hand, "Come with me."

Veronica led Janis to a spot that she thought was private. "Okay, what I'm about to say to you might change your perception of me by a lot." Janis nodded slightly scared. "No matter what you think of me after this, even if you absolutely hate me, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to say." Janis looked at her, "Why are you about to confess murder or something?" she attempted to make a joke.

Veronica nodded seriously, "Yeah, that's exactly what I was about to confess." Janis laughed slightly at first. Then she looked at her, "Wait you aren't joking." Janis lowered her voice to a whisper, "Did you actually kill someone?" 

Veronica looked at Janis, she could play it off as a joke. If she did she wouldn't risk losing her, she was the first real friend Veronica had made since Martha. Martha had moved away due to all of the things happening at the school and Veronica had been left alone since. She thought she was fine alone and she could deal with it but after meeting Janis she realized how much she missed having friends to talk to, how she missed having people to depend on when she was sad. Veronica didn't want to lose that, she didn't want to lose her friend, she didn't want to lose Janis.

Veronica opened her mouth, to confirm to Janis that she was joking but when she looked into Janis's eyes she knew she couldn't lie to her. Janis was her friend, she could trust her, at least she hoped she could. Veronica nodded slowly, "I was an accomplice in the murder of three high schoolers back at my old school... Do you know how my school transferred to this school because of the suicides? They weren't suicides, they were murders framed to be suicides." 

Janis looked at Veronica carefully, this girl had just told her that she assisted in the murders of three people. "Can I ask you a question?" Janis asked. Veronica nodded. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill those three high schoolers?" Janis asked. 

Veronica sighed, "Well my boyfriend at the time was this guy named Jason Dean or JD for short. JD wanted the best for me always so when I would complain about bullies he decided to make them pay. I originally just wanted to prank Chandler into having a gross drink to make her throw up but the gross drink mixture ended up getting mixed with drain cleaner. She drank it and ended up dying. I have a talent for forging handwriting so JD came up with the idea of a forged suicide note. Her death was faked to look like a suicide."

Janis looked at her and asked, "That's one death, what were the other two?" Veronica continued telling the story, "After killing Heather, JD became more okay with the idea of murder for my sake. These two guys Kurt and Ram spread rumors that I had a three-way with them which I didn't. JD decided that death was the answer. He lied to me, he told me that we were only going to make them unconscious but instead we ended up killing them. He told me to frame it as a gay suicide pact. I went along with it, I mean I was scared I would get caught and sent to jail. He made me believe that what he was doing was right."

Janis nodded at Veronica's story. "The crazy part is I believed him, up until he was about to try to blow up our school to prove a point, I believed him. Does that make me a bad person?" Veronica asked Janis. Janis shook her head, "No, you aren't a bad person if anyone here is a bad person it's him." Veronica nodded, "Can I tell you one more thing?" Janis nodded, "You can tell me anything."

Veronica took a shaky breath, "After everything he's done, I still love him and I know he loved me, even if it was in a weird twisted way. It doesn't matter anyway, he's gone now." Janis hugged Veronica, "I'm not good at this whole comforting thing but I'm going to try. You aren't a bad person for loving him. Loving him doesn't make you any worse of a person. Veronica, I'm glad you told me about this."

Veronica looked at her, "You are?" Janis nodded, "Even if it isn't a favorable thing you shared it shows me more about you." Veronica looked up, "What does it show you? That I'm a terrible person that you should never talk to again?" Janis shook her head, "It shows me that you want to get better and grow as a person. It also shows me that you trust me." Veronica nodded, "Yes I trust you but how does it show I want to grow as a person?"

"You realize what you did was wrong and you want to try to learn from it, that is growing as a person if I've ever seen it." Janis smiled. Veronica did too, she gave Janis one last hug. "Thank you, I'm glad I can trust you with this." Janis smiled, "Anytime you need to talk about anything, I'm here for you." Veronica nodded and they walked away from the area together.


"Did you get it?" Gretchen asked Jenna. Jenna nodded and showed Gretchen the recording. "I can't believe Veronica is in love with a murderer, she even assisted in some of his crimes," Jenna said. Gretchen nodded, "It's kinda scary if you think about it. I don't want to get her angry. At least we got the information though, I know that Squip will be happy with this." Jenna nodded uneasily, "Yes, he will be."

Gretchen called Squip over. He popped up in front of them, "Yes?" Gretchen showed him the video, "We found more information on Veronica." Squip turned to the video and watched it. "She assisted in some murders?" he asked. Jenna nodded, "Yeah, she worked with her boyfriend JD." Squip noticed the name, "Wait like Jason Dean?" Gretchen and Jenna nodded. "Well then, I think Jason and I are going to have a little chat..."

A/N: Hey guys I just wanted to say I really appreciate each and every one of you who is reading this story. We just finished chapter 10 and I wanted to put out a request for questions. I wanted to do a Q/A after chapter 10 to clarify any questions you have about the story before we move forward. You can ask things to either me or any of the characters. Thank you so much for reading this chapter of Revenge.

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