Chapter 19: The Blame Game

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Jane froze hearing what Anna had just said. "A-are we sure that she's missing? M-maybe she's just didn't see the message or something," Jane said nervously before receiving a shock from Squip. Jane heard his voice echo through her head, "Jane stop stuttering, they're going to be suspicious." 

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea? What if  we just tell them what's going on?" Jane asked Squip. "Jane are you insane? Do you think telling them would be a good idea? If they were ever to find out that you're keeping where Catherine Parr is from them do you think they'd just accept it? They'd hate you, they would never trust you again. We are the only people you can trust now," Squip said.

"Uhh, Jane are you okay? You're kinda just staring into space," Anne asked snapping Jane out of her thoughts. Jane laughed nervously. "Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking," she said."Now that that's taken care of back to the matter at hand Cathy's missing," Catherine said. "So what I'm gathering from this is one of the six wives of Henry VIII is missing along with John Laurens and James Madison?" Angelica asked. 

After hearing the names of the two others that were kidnapped Jane immediately felt even more guilty than before and tried her best to hide it. She could easily tell everyone what was going on and end their worrying. "Jane don't think like that, remember who all this was for. From now on everything you do is to protect Henry. If you were to ever reveal the truth to them Henry would be hurt and so would you. You don't want that, do you?" Squip said to Jane. She nodded slowly and kept her mouth shut, despite how much it was killing her to do so. 

"Wait you've had people kidnapped too?" Kitty asked. Alex nodded furiously. "My best friend was kidnapped because of those people. For all I know, he could be hurt or even killed. He could be dead right now and I wouldn't even know, all because those people decided they wanted to kidnap him," he said angrily.

"Maybe the people who kidnapped him had a good reason to do so?" Jane suggested trying to defend herself. Alex looked at Jane in disbelief. "Are you kidding me, are you trying to defend the kidnappers? Wait, are you working with the kidnappers?!" Alex said. Catherine looked at him offended. "Are you accusing her of working with the kidnappers? Jane would never do that," she said.

 Jane bit her lip knowing that Alex was right. She was standing there being accused of working with the people who were orchestrating the kidnappings and the accuser was right. She was letting Catherine defend her even though she was guilty and didn't deserve it. Even with all this, she had to continue doing what she was doing, for Henry. 

"How can you be so sure that she wouldn't? What if she's lying to you? Lying to all of us?" Alex said angrily. "Alex please calm down, you're making baseless accusations with no evidence. I get it you're upset that John Laurens is missing but taking it out on other people isn't going to change anything," Washington said to Alexander.  Alex sighed but backed off from yelling still somewhat suspicious of Jane.

"I think that we should pool all of our information together so we can figure out what's going on with all of this," Angelica suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement. "I'll speak for the entirety of our group. So far both John Laurens and James Madison have been kidnapped but in very different ways." Burr said. 

"How were the ways they were kidnapped different?" Anne asked. "You see when John was kidnapped we were all drunk and they got him while he was alone," Lafayette started. "But when  James was kidnapped Aaron and I were in the same room as him when someone threw a smoke bomb and locked us in there taking him with them," Jefferson finished for him. 

"So what are you saying?" Anne asked. "Well from what we've figured out from the video footage Alex found and their kidnapping styles we think it might not be just one person doing the kidnapping," Aaron said.

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