Chapter 1-10 Summaries and Brief Q/A

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Hey Guys,

We've finally gotten through 10 story chapters and I wanted to try and summarize what has happened so far before we move forward so the story hopefully makes more sense. Basically how this is going to work is first, I'm going to write a general summary of each chapter. Then, I'm just going to answer the few questions I got for the Q/A. Hope you enjoy.

Prologue: King George and King Henry meet up when Henry tells George that both the American Revolutionaries and Henry's six wives were brought back to life. They decide they want to get their revenge with the help of Squip. 

Chapter 1: Connor attempts to kidnap Katherine Howard to take her to his 3 bosses but gets decked by Jared preventing Connor from carrying out the order. When Connor returns to his bosses the idea of recruiting Jared to join them is brought up.

Chapter 2: JD pushes John Laurens into a storage closet and successfully kidnaps him. Meanwhile, Michael and Evan meet for time and hit it off. Jared wonders about why Connor would go after Kitty. Alex texts John in a nervous frenzy trying to figure out what happened to him.

Chapter 3: John wakes up trapped in the base of the villains. He and the villains question each other and their motives. Kitty texts the other queens about what she should do after what happened to her the previous day. She runs into Jared and he gives her a tour of the school remarking that her name is the same as one of the wives of Henry VIII.

Chapter 4: Evan and Michael hang out as Evan gives Michael a tour. Michael and Evan joke about being each other's favorite person, a joke that Gretchen and Jenna record. Evan and Jared meet up on the front steps and promise that even though they are making new friends they won't ditch each other. Gretchen and Jenna report the information they recorded to Squip and he sends them on another information gathering quest.

Chapter 5: Alex texts his friends in a panic about where John went. They advised him not to go looking for John. Veronica and Janis meet for the first time and remark that they look similar. Jenna and Gretchen record this interaction and send it to Squip who lets them know any information is good information. Kitty gets a text from Henry confirming her worst fears that he was back. She smashes her phone out of fear with Jared witnessing the whole thing. Jared goes home to look Kitty up and connects the dots finding out that she was Katherine Howard brought back to life. Henry talks to one of his wives who was helping him.

Chapter 6: The villains start having a meeting. Connor gets assigned to give Mountain Dew to Jared to make him join them and to kidnap James Madison. The mysterious queen lets them know that Catherine Parr would be an easy target and JD is assigned to kidnap her. Later this queen questions John and he tells her about the whereabouts of his friends.

Chapter 7: Michael and Jeremy talk in the hallway where Jeremy tells Michael he can't make it to their hangout later that day. Jared and Jeremy meet for the first time along with Christine and Kitty. Connor walks up to this group and offers a Mountain Dew with all of them refusing. Connor reports this back to Squip who recognizes Christine and Jeremy.  Squip comes up with a plan to exploit Jeremy's insecurities to use to his advantage so he could get his revenge.

Chapter 8: Catherine Parr was in the forest on her retreat from society when she was attacked by JD. She put up a fight and injured him but blacked out due to him squipping her drink. Connor kidnapped Madison and both Madison and Parr were tied up with Laurens. They discuss trying to escape but John tells them there's no hope. The mystery queen asks Henry if he's going to hurt them and he lies telling her he won't

Chapter 9: Alex goes looking for clues about where John went. He finds out that John was kidnapped. Thomas Jefferson calls everyone over to let them know James was also kidnapped. They try to figure out their next move with Alex insisting they go attack whoever took Madison and Laurens. Everyone tries to convince him that he shouldn't but he storms off to do it anyway.

Chapter 10: Veronica and Janis talk and get to know each other. Veronica confesses that she killed three students at her old high school and that she still loves the guy who manipulated her into doing it. Janis comforts her and agrees to keep her secret. Jenna and Gretchen recorded the whole thing and gave it to Squip. Squip realized the boyfriend Veronica was talking about was JD and decided to confront him about it later.

Question and Answer Time!

Q: How did you come up with Jared and Kitty?

A: Let's just say it was based off a roleplay I did where they accidentally ended up together. I wanted to do a bunch of crossover ships for this story and when I was thinking of ships to do that one came to mind.

Q: Opinions on Jefferson's macaroni?

A: I don't have any strong opinions about it but I'm sure it's good.

Q: How does Kitty's hair work?

A: I'm not quite sure what you mean by that 😉

Q: Will John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton date in the future?

A: When I originally planned this story I had it where Alex would end up dating John. Later I decided I wanted to do mostly crossover ships because I thought, "Well if I have so many different characters in the story why should I stick to the same ships that everyone else uses?" I then ended up breaking up most of the ships I originally planned to do. The one ship I've been having the most trouble with is Lams. I have 3 people I'm considering to date John and 3 for Alex as well. I guess the TLDR of it all is, I have no clue if I want for them to date yet.

Q: Are the people getting kidnapped with a drug or some sort of alien technology?

A: It's better than drugs... When the person is being kidnapped they are being squipped. They get a supercomputer into their brains either through an injection like John and James when they were kidnapped or through drinking the pill like Catherine Parr. Once they have the computer in their system they are connected to Squip who has full control over all of the computers in their heads giving him the power to control their entire body. So far the characters who have squips are Connor, JD, John, Cathy, and James.

Well, that's all for this chapter thing. I just wanted to thank everyone who's reading this story, and I hope you all continue to follow this book. Trust me I have a lot more in store, we are far from finished.


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