Chapter 12: My Name is Poet, I am a Phillip

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Jeremy waited on the front steps of the school for Christine. Christine saw Jeremy and ran up to him excitedly. "Hey Jeremy, you ready for our date?" she asked. Jeremy nodded and they walked to the movie theater together.

Christine and Jeremy sat in their seats while they waited for the movie to start. "So Jeremy, how have you been?" Christine asked him. "I dunno, I've been doing okay I guess? What about you?" Jeremy said. "I've been doing great. Ever since all the schools transferred I've made a ton of new friends. For example I met this really cool girl, Zoe Murphy, she's in the Jazz Band," Christine said excitedly. "Speaking of friends, how are things with Michael?" She asked him.

"Uh well," Jeremy thought about it for a moment. "Actually, Michael and I haven't hung out in a while," he said. "Why haven't you?" Christine asked. "Well everytime we were supposed to hang out I end up forgetting and planning a date with you. He says it's fine though," Jeremy said.

"Jeremy, you know you don't have to cancel your plans with Michael right? I'm okay if we don't go on dates every day," Christine said. "I know but I don't want to lose you. Michael will always be there but I can't be sure that you will be," Jeremy said.

Christine was hurt by what Jeremy had said, to her it sounded like he had no faith in her commitment to their relationship. "Oh okay, but how can you be so sure?" She asked.

"Well I've known Michael for twelve years, he wouldn't leave me after all that, would he?" Jeremy said, suddenly unsure of that statement. Christine turned to him to tell him that she meant their relationship but before she could the movie started. "Oh look the movie's started," Jeremy said. He snuggled up to Christine and they started watching the movie together.


Jared and Kitty sat down in the library to record her part for her project with Christine. "I'll just record my part of the song and send it to Christine. Then I'll be out of your hair," Kitty said.

Jared nodded and took out his phone and a microphone to record. "So what exactly are you recording anyway?" He asked her. "I'm recording Elphaba's part in For Good from Wicked. It's a really good musical," she said.

Jared nodded and turned on the mic, "You can sing the part you need me to send to Christine." Kitty nodded and started singing. While she was singing Jared thought back to the real reason he was here, to find out more about her and figure out what's going on.

The situation was strange. He stops Connor Murphy from kidnapping someone and the day after Connor decides to give him a peace offering? Kitty was the only key to figuring out what was going on with the added bonus of getting to know her better. He decided to ask her some questions.

Kitty finished singing and ended the recording, giving him back his stuff. "Thanks for letting me record, that should be all I need," she said. "Wait before you go, can I ask you a question?" Jared asked. "Well that was already a question but sure you can ask something," Kitty said.

"Do you know why that guy went after you at the McDonald's?" Jared asked. Kitty froze, the question was unexpected. "Um, I'm not completely sure," Kitty said truthfully, she didn't know entirely why Henry was sending people after her and her fellow queens.

Jared nodded, that wasn't quite the answer he wanted. "Oh okay, I was just wondering if there was a bigger threat," he said. Kitty shrugged, "Maybe there is but we can never be sure. I guess if we're done I'll get out of your hair." Kitty stood up to leave but Jared grabbed her wrist.

"Please let me know if you figure out anything else okay? I want to help you with this," Jared said. Kitty nodded and turned to leave again but before she could she bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry about that," the boy said holding out his hand to help her up. Kitty took his hand and stood up. Jared looked at him, "What's your name man?"

"My name is Poet, I am a Phillip. Wait that's not right is it. Actually my name is Phillip Hamilton," Phillip said holding out his hand to shake. "The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman at your service," Jared said shaking his hand. Kitty waved, "Katherine Howard, nice to meet you."

"Cool your name is like that queen we learned about in history class. Poor girl got beheaded for reasons beyond her control," Phillip said. Kitty laughed nervously, "Yeah I get that a lot."

"Speaking of historical names, don't you share a name with the son of Alexander Hamilton?" Jared asked. "Well I guess I do," Phillip said. Jared thought about it, if Kitty really was Katherine Howard could Phillip be the revived Phillip Hamilton?

"Hey Phillip, just a random question, did anyone try to kidnap you recently?" Jared asked. "Of course not. What kind of a weird question is that?" Phillip asked. "Um just a random question, just curious," Jared said.

"Okay then, it was nice meeting you guys but I should really get going," Phillip said. Kitty nodded, "It was nice meeting you Phillip." Jared waved, "Bye Phillip." Phillip waved back and walked out of the library.

Kitty turned back to look at Jared, "Why did you ask him if he got kidnapped? Do you think he's connected to what's happening?" Jared shrugged, "Well you both have names connected to historical figures, maybe the person going after you wants people with historical names. Jared said this hoping she didn't suspect he knew her real identity.

Kitty nodded, "Yeah that's true." Jared's statement got her thinking, could Phillip be someone revived like herself? "I should really stop bothering you, I'll get going," she said to him. Jared shook his head, "You aren't bothering me, its fine. We can hang out if you want?" "Sure why not?" Kitty said and the two of them hung out in the library for the rest of the afternoon.

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