Chapter 8: Kidnapping

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Catherine Parr was sitting outside in a secluded spot in the forest. She had decided to go on a retreat away from everything, people, the internet, distractions, society. She had wanted somewhere where she could be free to relax and unwind without any interference. She took out her journal from the past few days. Each page had been filled to the brim with her thoughts. She had included descriptions of the scenery, thoughts she had been having about the world, problems she could help solve. Catherine turned to an entry from a few days prior.

This is my 7th day out of my 30-day retreat. Its been nice enjoying the scenery. There's so much life out in the open that I would never get to see or experience otherwise. Taking this retreat has opened my eyes to how many glaring issues there are in our society. There are so many people who would benefit from taking the time to relax and unwind. There has been one thought plaguing my mind though... Henry.

I promised I wouldn't take my phone out during this retreat but I received an alarming message. Kitty had sent out a text telling us that Henry sent someone to attempt to kidnap her. That's not the worrying part, at least not the only worrying part, the part that worries me the most is what Kitty had been told. The guy had said that Henry wanted all of his queens back. He wasn't going to stop at just Katherine or Anne, he was going to try to get all of us.

Katherine hasn't sent any updates since then. Everyone in the group has tried contacting her but to no avail. She's gone completely silent, it almost makes me think that Henry went back for her and succeeded in catching her the second time. I'm worried about her, I hope that she just lost her phone or maybe even broke it and that's why she's not responding. No matter what happens I know she'll take care of herself, she always has.

As much as I fear for my safety and the safety of my fellow queens, I will do my best not to think about that. I am on a retreat to relax and take a break and that is what I intend to do. I may take time to ponder about Henry but I would like to make the most of my time here. 

All my love,                                                                                                                                                                             Catherine

Catherine looked back at the journal entry. Since it was written none of her questions had been answered if anything she had more questions. None of the queens reported anything unusual since Kitty texted and Kitty still hasn't responded. Cathy closed the journal and put it back in her bag with her things. She would write a new entry later that night. 

She took out her bottle of water and took a sip. The water tasted different than usual. It tasted kinda sweet and almost minty. Cathy swallowed the water she had in her mouth and twisted the cap back on. She figured that it was just that water and she would just pour it out and refilter a new bottle later.

All of a sudden Cathy heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She saw in her shadow that someone was behind her about to grab her. She quickly grabbed a dagger that she had in her bag and turned around slicing the sleeve of the black trenchcoat that the person was wearing, The person looked impressed, "Not bad, but you're still coming with me."

Catherine lunged at him with the dagger again. "Who are you?" she said as her dagger left a cut in his skin. The guy in the trenchcoat growled at the cut in his arm, he didn't expect her to ever draw blood. "Okay Catherine, this has been fun and all but I think I'm going to have to take you in now. As you know Henry is an impatient man," he said grinning. Catherine's eyes widened at the name, "He won't take me back. I won't let him. I will kill you if I have to." 

The guy smiled, "It's too late for that Catherine, I won before you even noticed I was there." Cathy looked around, "What do you mean by that?" He laughed, "All I'm saying is you really should be careful with what you drink." The guy took out a remote, pressed a button and Cathy blacked out.


Connor was busy stalking James Madison the fourth president of the United States. James was hanging out with Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Unfortunately for Connor James wasn't drunk like his friend had been. He was completely utterly sober. Connor decided he couldn't wait around any longer and he had to do something.

The men were in a room all by themselves so if he were to strike now the only people that would notice would be Jefferson and Burr. Connor took a smoke bomb out of his pocket and readied his arm to throw it once the men turned away from his hiding spot. "Hey look at this," Jefferson said showing Burr something on his phone. Once Jefferson and Burr were turned away Connor threw the smoke bomb at them. 

"What the" Burr coughed waving smoke away from his face. "I can't see anything," Thomas said. While they were busy waving the smoke away from his face Connor stood behind Madison and dragged him out of the room. Madison tried to scream but Connor covered his mouth to prevent that from happening. Connor locked Thomas and Aaron in the room and began to deal with James.

"Who are you?" Madison said trying to run from Connor. Connor looked at him, "I'm really sorry about this." Madison looked confused, "About what?" Connor took a tranquilizer and used it on Madison and Madison dropped to the floor. "About that," Connor whispered.


Catherine and Madison were shoved into the holding room with John. John turned to them, "You're James Madison," he said looking at him. "I guess they caught you guys too." Cathy looked at him, "Who's they?" John shook his head, "King George, King Henry VIII and this guy called Squip. They've been capturing people. King George probably sent for Madison's capture, did you by any chance wrong any of them?"

"I was Henry's final wife. People said he had plans to behead me but he ended up dying." Cathy said, "I suppose that would be why he sent to capture me. Kitty said that he was trying to get his wives back. Speaking of Kitty, did she get captured too? Shorter girl, hair with the tips dyed pink, usually has a high ponytail?" John shook his head, "Besides you two who just got here I'm the only prisoner."

"Alex has been worried about you, John." Madison said, "He won't stop talking about how worried he is for your safety." John looked up, "Alex is worried about me?" James nodded, "Of course he is, he's your best friend." John nodded, "Right, best friend..." Cathy looked around the room, "Is there any way we can get out of here or at least warn the others?"

"I've tried to get out of here but we've all been squipped. Essentially we're puppets under their complete control."  John said defeated, "I've tried to get a message out but we have no way of doing that, we're trapped." Cathy looked around the room again, "So we're stuck?" John sighed and nodded in defeat, "We're trapped."


The queen looked at the three people in the room and tugged on Henry's arm. "Henry love." Henry turned around, "Yes my dear, what is it?" The queen took a breath in, "You aren't going to hurt them, are you?" Henry laughed, "Of course I won't hurt them..." The queen nodded in relief and walked away. As she walked away Henry finished his sentence, "I won't hurt them... much"

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