Chapter 17: Lettuce Bee Seventeen

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Phillip was meeting up with the other revived revolutionaries at the house they were revived in and was telling them about Janis and Veronica. "So what you're saying Phillip is you found two teenage girls to help us figure out what's going on? Have they revived also?" George Washington asked.  Phillip shook his head, "No they were not revived but they know someone who was and are also want to help out." 

"And how do you know you can trust these girls and they don't have any ulterior motives? Was the person they knew was revived also historical?" Angelica asked. "No, she wasn't which is weird? She was just a plain entitled queen bee determined to make everyone's life a living hell," Phillip said. "How can we be sure that these cases are connected? What if they're related to the people that kidnapped James?" Jefferson asked skeptically as usual.

"Listen I trust my son. What are the chances that there are multiple revival cases in the same place in the same time frame? These girls might be the closest thing we have to help and we might also get other connections through these girls. Until we can find anything else its worth a shot," Alex said.  

Washington nodded, "Phillip if it is possible can you bring these girls and anyone else you find to meet up with us?" Phillip thought it over and nodded, "I can see if I can bring them over tomorrow?" Washington nodded yet again, "That would be wonderful Phillip. Has anyone else gotten any progress in finding out what happened to Laurens and Madison?" Everyone shook their head. "No there hasn't been any sign of what happened to them after being kidnapped," Aaron said. "Okay then, everyone please continue to look for what happened to them or anything that links to our revival," Washington said. Everyone nodded again and went back to searching and scanning for answers that could link back to finding out what happened.


Veronica and Janis were walking and chatting as they usually did. "Hey Janis, wanna head to 7/11. I haven't had a slushie in a while," Veronica said casually. "Then why don't we go get one? There's a 7/11 right there," Janis said pointing at the 7/11 up the street. "Let's go get a slushie," Veronica said. She almost said 'Our love is god,' before it out of habit. Slushies reminded her of JD and she missed him, despite what he did.

Just as Janis and Veronica were about to walk in Phillip ran up and tapped them on the shoulder. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" Phillip asked.  Veronica and Janis turned. "Oh hi, Phillip. We're just getting slushies, do you want to join us?" Veronica said. "Sure but afterward are you both free? My revived family wants to know what you know so we can try to use it to help figure out what's going on." Phillip said. Janis nodded, "I've got nothing better to, not sure about Veronica though." Veronica thought it over and said, "I should be able to. I don't think I have too much homework tonight."

"Well, what are you two waiting for? Let's get slushies!" Phillip said opening the door and walking inside. Veronica walked over to the slushie machine to see two guys already getting slushies with a bunch of different sodas in their hands. "We've gotten every soda that exists in this 7/11 JD, just grab a slushie and leave before Squip asks where we are." a guy in a hoodie said. Veronica turned at the mention of the name and saw a face she never thought she'd see again. "JD? YOU'RE ALIVE?!" she said in shock. 

JD turned to see Veronica and froze their eyes meeting. "B-but I watched you die? You can't be alive can you?" Veronica said in disbelief. Sure she had missed him and had always wanted him back but now here he was standing in front of her. 

JD took one look at Veronica and immediately knew he missed her but he knew he couldn't say that. He thought about the moment he would see her again many times and all the different things he wanted to say but with his circumstances, he knew he couldn't. "Veronica, you have to go," JD said quietly. "J-JD? W-what?" Veronica said on the verge of tears. "I SAID GO, LEAVE ME ALONE. DON'T YOU THINK THERE'S A REASON I DIDN'T SHOW UP TILL NOW? I DON'T WANT YOU AROUND ME SO GO," JD yelled. Then he grabbed Connor's hand and dragged him out of the 7/11 taking all the sodas and his slushie with him.

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