Chapter 2: OMG Please Answer Me

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A guy in a black trenchcoat watched a group of drunk men laughing at the bar. He silently watched the men, waiting for his opportunity to strike. One of the men stood up, "I'm going to go to the bathroom," he slurred. Another man looked at him. "Okay John, I'll be waiting," he said, just as drunk as his friend was. The guy in the trenchcoat watched as John got up to go to the restroom and followed him.

John walked down the dark hallway near the back of the bar. The man in the trenchcoat took advantage of this opportunity and shoved John in a storage closet. The man walked into the storage closet with John and stood in front of the door making sure there was no way to escape.

"Who are you?" John said "Let me out" He attempted to get past the man in the trenchcoat. "Greetings and Salutations John. I'm afraid I can't let you out, my bosses requested that I capture someone and it just so happens to be you" the trenchcoat guy smiled.

John tried to fight him but since he was drunk it didn't work out too well. "Okay, John" the guy laughed "I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way." The man pulled out a tranquilizer. John looked at him with fear in his eyes "What are you doing?" he asked the man.

"Well, you made me do this. Don't worry it won't hurt, much..." He laughed and used the tranquilizer on John. John fell to the floor almost instantly. "Goodnight," the man in the trenchcoat said creepily before teleporting him and John away.


Michael was walking down the street with his headphones in. Normally he would be hanging out with Jeremy but he was on another date with Christine. While Michael wasn't paying attention he bumped into someone with a cast.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." Michael held out his hand to help the guy up. "The name's Michael" Evan took his hand. "My name's Evan," then he pointed "My friend over there is Jared" Jared looked up and waved.

Jared was thinking about yesterday when he decked Connor. What would Connor want from Kitty? He noticed that Connor had leaned in to whisper something in her ear but he had no clue what it was. Whatever he said had scared her. 

He thought about Kitty. She had told him that worrying about her would get him hurt, but why? She seemed like she was a normal girl. Sure she was pretty and maybe guys would want her for that but Connor was gay. There was no reason for Connor to have any interest in her. 

He looked at his phone. She had given her his number so he could call and ask if he wanted. His finger hovered over the call button, then he decided against it. Instead, he sent her a text.

Jared: Hey Kitty, its Jared. I'm just wondering how you were doing after yesterday.

Kitty: I'm doing fine

Jared: That's good to know. 


Jared looked at the last message he wrote. She had seen it and not bothered to respond. She was probably just going to move on with her life and forget about the encounter. If she didn't want to respond it was probably for the best. He put his phone in his back pocket and continued thinking.

While Jared was doing that Evan was chatting with Michael. Turns out, they hit it off. In a way, Michael reminded Evan of Jared, just a less extreme, funnier and nicer version. Michael told Evan about the whole Squip situation at his school and how some of the kids were transferring schools because of it. "They're combining some of the schools in the district to make up for it. Some of the kids from Middleborough, Westerburg, and North Shore are being transferred to Pine High School." Michael told him. "Really? That's where I go to school." Evan said smiling. "Then I guess you're going to have to show me around" Michael joked. 

Michaels phone binged. "Oh shoot, I've gotta go now, Evan. Can we exchange numbers so we can talk again?" Evan nodded and Michael put his number in Evan's phone. "Text me later okay?" Michael said to Evan as he waved and ran off, trying not to be late to wherever he had to be.

Evan just waved as Michael ran off. He could see them becoming good friends eventually. Then he turned back to Jared, "Well, want to get ice cream?" Jared looked up "Sure, let's go." Together they walked off to get ice cream.


Alex: John?

Alex: Where did you go last night?

Alex: You kinda bailed on us.

Alex: Okay, why aren't you answering?

Alex: Laurens?

Alex: I'm getting worried

Alex: You usually answer right away

Alex: John please answer me.

Alexander had been trying to text John since the previous night but there was no response. After he went to the bathroom he never came back. Everyone was drunk so nobody realized he was gone till the next morning.

Alex smacked himself in the face. "You idiot, why didn't you check on him last night. Now he could be hurt because of you" Alex tried one last time to text him.

Alex: Hey John, are you okay?

There was no response. Alex looked at his phone and put it down on the bed. "I hope you're okay buddy" he whispered. Little did he know, John was far from okay...

A/N: Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Revenge. If anyone knows the name of the school in Dear Evan Hansen, please let me know and I will fix it. Thank you for reading!

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