Chapter 4: Favorite Person

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Evan sat down at his desk, he watched as his friend Jared walked up to the girl from the McDonald's. He smiled, he knew that Jared wasn't going to stop until he figured that girl out and Evan wasn't going to be the one to try and stop him.

Evan glanced around the rest of the room and saw Michael. He decided to go up to him and say hi. Evan walked over to Michael and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey there, it's me, Evan," he said. Michael looked up, "Hey Evan, nice seeing you again," Michael smiled.

"Uh, remember how you said I could show you around the school. I can right now if you want." Evan said nervously. Michael looked at him and smiled, "Hey, no need to be nervous, we're friends now. It would be great if you could show me around right now." 

Evan smiled, it felt good that Michael called him his friend. He stood up and held out his hand to help Michael up, "Cmon, let's go before it gets crowded." Michael took Evan's hand and stood up "So where to first?" he asked him. "Let's start with this hallway," Evan said walking out of the room not realizing he was still holding on to Michael's hand. Michael let him, after all, wasn't it easier to be shown around when they're holding hands?

Evan started pointing out stuff to Michael and telling him about some of the kids they walked by. "So Evan," Michael said, "You've been telling me about all of these other kids, what about you? What are you like?"

Evan thought about what to say. He didn't want to give too much away but he also wanted to sound interesting. "Well, I'm nervous around everyone except my close friends. I also really love trees, I find them interesting." Evan looked at Michael worried "Please don't think I'm weird."

Michael smiled "Nah, I find that kinda cool. I'm really into retro things, I even have a Pacman tattoo." Evan looked at Michael relieved to see that he wasn't weirded out. "Can I see the Pacman tattoo?" he asked. Michael rolled up his sleeve showing Evan his tattoo.

"Wow, it's cool that you got a tattoo," Evan said in awe of Michael's tattoo, "You're a cool person, I could never imagine getting a tattoo." Michael looked at Evan and smiled "Who knows, maybe you'll get a tattoo of a tree someday." he joked. "Hey, how did you break your arm?" Michael pointed at Evans cast.

Evan froze, "I uh fell." Michael looked at him, "Fell from where?" he asked with concern. "Well, I was climbing a tree and fell on my arm," Evan said. "Oh that must've hurt," Michael said sympathetically.

 "Can I sign your cast?" Michael asked.  Evan nodded and held out his arm. Michael took a red sharpie from his backpack and signed the cast "Your Favorite Person, Michael." Evan smiled at Michael's signature "Thank You, Michael." Michael smiled "I'm not sure if I am your favorite person but that doesn't mean that I can't still dream." he joked. Evan smiled "It's really true you're my favorite person." They both laughed and kept walking.

Little did they know some people were listening in on their conversation. Jenna Roland snapped a picture from where she was. Gretchen Weiners had come with her to help record the conversation. "I guess our pal Michael here has gotten a new Boyf to his Reinds." Jenna laughed. "Well Jenna, I've got the audio of their conversation. We can finally use this to our advantage." Gretchen said giggling, "Cmon, let's go turn this in." and with that, they left.


Later that day Evan met Jared on the steps in front of the school. "Hey Jared," Evan said "How did things go with Kitty? Did you find out what you wanted to know?" Jared smiled "Kitty's a pretty girl and she shares a name with Katherine Howard the 5th wife of Henry VIII." Evan looked at Jared "So you think she's pretty?" Jared blushed subtly "I meant pretty normal. Besides her name and appearance though, I don't see anything too extraordinary that would warrant Connor going after her." 

"Did you try looking her up?" Evan suggested, "Almost everything is on the internet you could probably find her." Jared facepalmed "Of course, why didn't I think of that." He looked at Evan's cast to see Michael's signature. "Your Favorite Person, Michael" he read. "I see you have a new best friend now." Jared laughed "When you start hanging out with Michael more make sure you don't forget about me." Evan laughed too, "I would never, as long as you don't ditch me while you're trying to learn about Kitty for "research"." 

Jared put one hand in the air and the other over his heart. "I Jared Kleinman promise not to ditch my best friend and one of my favorite people Evan Hansen," he said. "And I Evan Hansen promise not to ditch my best friend and one of my favorite people Jared Kleinman," Evan said doing the same motion as Jared. "Let's high five on it?" Jared suggested. Evan laughed, "Sure why not," he said giving Jared a high five. Both boys laughed and walked to the park making dumb jokes along the way.


Jenna and Gretchen stood before Squip. "We got the information you requested," Gretchen said. Jenna stood behind Gretchen, not really wanting to get too close to the quip. He could take back control of her at any moment, she didn't want that. Jenna was just here with Gretchen because Gretchen needed the money and she wanted to make sure Gretchen didn't get hurt.

"Good, you've gotten me something to use against Michael and Jeremy. Now please get me some information on Janis and Veronica, they will be valuable assets." the Squip said taking the recording and photos. "What about the pay? You promised you would pay us." Gretchen said angrily. Squip just smirked at her and looked towards Jenna. "Gretchen its not worth it let's just get the information. I'm sure he'll pay us next time," Jenna said pulling Gretchen closer to her. "You should listen to your friend Jenna if you know what's good for you." Squip smirked, "I need the information by the end of the week." and with that, he vanished.

"Jenna, why do you let him push us around. He made a promise to pay us and the more you let him push us around the more control he has over us." Gretchen said. Jenna thought about everything the Squip could do and she knew Gretchen didn't realize what she was dealing with. "Gretch, you are my favorite person and I don't want to see you get hurt at the hands of Squip." Gretchen nodded and gave Jenna a hug, "I know you're only looking out for me, you're my favorite person too." Jenna smiled, "Cmon, we need to get info on Janis and Veronica." Gretchen nodded and together they started their hunt for information.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter of Revenge.

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