Chapter 1: A "Sexy" McDonalds Date

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Katherine Howard was sitting down in the McDonalds minding her own business.  She was at her table drinking water and playing games on her phone when all of a sudden a guy with a black hood comes up to her. "Come with me," he says in a gruff voice. 

"What?" Kitty looked up at the man. He had a mask over the lower portion of his face and was using a hood to cover the top. "You heard me, I told you to come with me." The guy grabbed Kitty's arm. 

Kitty pulled her arm away. "I think I'm going to get going now." she started walking quickly to the door. The man walked in front of her and pinned her against the wall. "You're not going anywhere, after all, I had an order from Henry that he wanted his wives back." He whispered in her ear. "I think you're going to leave that young lady alone," a guy with glasses said walking over.

This guy's name was Jared and he had come to McDonald's with his friend Evan. He noticed the scene that was going on and decided to go help the girl out. "Jared, please don't hurt anyone," is what Evan had told him. "Can't make any promises Evan" Jared had already started walking over. 

Kitty looked at the guy with glasses that was walking over, "Please go away, I can handle this," Jared looked at her before turning back to the hooded guy "Let her go before things get ugly," The guy turned back to Katherine "You're going to come with me." He grabbed her arm again but as he did he was knocked to the ground.

Kitty looked at the figure on the ground and then back up at Jared. Evan came running over. "Jared, I told you not to hurt anyone" he scolded. "Well, he was harassing...Um excuse me, what was your name?" Jared turned to look at Kitty. She held out her hand "My name is Katherine but you can call me Kitty." 

He shook her hand, "You see, this man was harassing Kitty and I couldn't let that slide. I decided to deck him." Evan rolled his eyes "Jared, I told you not to deck anyone, even if its a bad person. Speaking of, who is this person?" 

Jared grabbed the figure by his collar and pulled off his hood to reveal... "Connor?!" Evan exclaimed. Connor was silent, he elbowed Jared so he would let him go, pulled his hood back over his head and ran away. 

Kitty was still a bit shaken from the whole encounter. This guy had just confirmed her worst fear, Henry was back and he wanted her, and all the people she cared about. Kitty didn't even know if he had already gotten some of them, for all she knew she could be the last one he needed to capture.

Kitty's thought process was cut off by a hug. Jared had hugged her, "The guy's gone now it's going to be okay," Evan said trying to soothe her. They walked her over to where they were sitting. "You guys seemed to recognize that guy," Kitty said, "Who was he?"

Jared and Evan looked at each other "That guy was Connor Murphy, he was an old friend of ours but I have no idea what happened to him. He seemed off..." Evan said. Jared still had his arm around Kitty, wanting to make sure she was okay. "Is there anything else we can do?"

"I don't want to involve you guys more than I already have," Kitty said. Jared looked at her "We want to help you in any way possible." Evan nodded at her. "Involving you guys will only get you hurt." Kitty whispered, "I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." Jared looked at her "You could never hurt us." Evan looked at Kitty "We can take you home if you would like."

Kitty shook her head "No thank you, I can walk." "I just want some way for us to know you're okay..." Jared said. Kitty wrote down her phone number on a piece of paper, "There now you can check on me if you want. Thank you again for the help." and with that, she walked out of the McDonald's.

"So much for a sexy McDonald's date." Evan joked. "Oh it was sexy" Jared smirked "There's nothing sexier than decking a guy to protect a woman" Evan just rolled his eyes and laughed


Connor stood in front of his three bosses "I couldn't get her." The Squip shocked him. "What do you mean you couldn't get her" Henry growled, "She's a 16-year-old girl, she should be the easiest one to get. If you can't get her, how are we supposed to get everyone else"

"I would've been able to get her, I had her against the wall and everything. It's just some guy came and decked me in order to protect her and I had to get out of there to avoid causing a bigger scene." Connor frantically explained himself. The Squip went through his memory trying to verify Connor's story. 

"Is he telling the truth?" George asked,  "If he isn't it's okay to shock him again." The Squip nodded "He is, he got decked by someone named Jared Kleinman." Squip reported. King George nodded "Is this Jared guy any good?" he asked. 

Squip pulled up a file about Jared "Yeah, this guy's stood his ground in fights before and has pretty good computer skills. He definitely knows what he's doing." Henry laughed and pulled out a gray oblong pill "Then maybe we should invite him to join us..."

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of Revenge. Thank you for reading! 

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