Chapter 6: Be Prepared

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Down in the meeting room, a group of people was having a conversation.  "We need to start capturing more people," King George said, "All I've been able to get is a drunk soldier. We could've gotten a president or an important historical person but no, we got some random soldier." Henry looked at George, "At least you were able to capture somebody, I almost got Katherine Howard but SOMEONE wasn't able to," Henry glared at Connor. Connor raised his hands in the air "Look I didn't expect someone to come in and deck me, I would've had her if it wasn't for Jared."

"Jared?" Squip looked at Connor, "You know this kid?" Connor nodded, "Yes I do, he goes to school with me, at least he did when I used to go to school." Squip grinned evilly and looked at Henry and George, "Weren't we looking to invite some more people to join us?" Henry smiled, "Yes, we were" George caught the drift and picked up a bottle of Mountain Dew that had a small pill at the bottom, "Should we extend an invitation to join us?" 

Squip turned to Connor, "Since you know this kid, you will be the one to give him the Mountain Dew" Connor shook his head, "He doesn't like me very much, he wouldn't want to take anything from me. I can't do that." Squip shocked Connor, "I wasn't asking you I was telling. If he doesn't trust you then you make him trust you." Connor nodded and bowed, "Yes Squip" Squip smiled, "Good."

"Love, I think I know a queen we could kidnap." a woman said looking at Henry with a smile. "Who is it my queen?" he looked at her intrigued. "Catherine Parr, she's going on a retreat away from everyone. Nobody will worry about her being gone and she'll be all alone with no chance of anyone interfering." Squip pulled up the details of Catherine's phone, just as he had been told she was in a remote forest about 30 miles away from any signs of human activity. "Henry she's right if we send someone we could most likely sneak a SQUIP in her drink and capture her within the next few days." 

Henry smiled, "JD, we have a job for you. We need you to find this woman and track her down. Squip will send you the things you need to track her. I trust you won't let me down as Connor did?" JD nodded and smirked, unlike Connor, he didn't mind the jobs he was sent to do. Being a part of this scheme allowed him to have access to things he could use to set things right. He could finally get everything he wanted at the cost of almost nothing. "Yes, once I receive the supplies I'll be ready to leave whenever you would like." 

Connor scowled, he knew JD was the favorite. JD was perfect to them and Connor was the screw-up. Henry nodded, "Great JD, Squip will show you what you need." JD followed Squip out of the room to get whatever supplies he was going to need to go after Catherine.

George looked around, "Now that we're getting your wife we should send out someone for one of my people." Henry nodded, "Okay, who were you thinking?"  George smiled, "James Madison, 4th President of the United States and author of the Bill of Rights." George pulled out a picture to show Connor. "This is the guy if you're lucky you might be able to get him while he's drunk. Same way JD got John Laurens. Do you think you can do that?" 

Connor looked at the picture, "Sure I can, but isn't my goal to recruit Jared to our team?" George looked at Connor, "This is in addition to that goal, you will continue your normal jobs as well as recruiting Jared to our cause, perhaps you could consider it make up for not being able to capture Kitty." Connor nodded, "Okay, but why don't we just kidnap him like the others?" King George shook his head, "Jared doesn't seem like he would go down without a fight, he's always around other people on high alert so I doubt there will be an easy way to kidnap him. Besides, he's nobody we would need to get revenge on, he's just someone we need to convince, just like you and JD were." 

Connor nodded, "So I have to try to kidnap James Madison and recruit Jared?" King George nodded, "Go find Squip, he'll have the equipment you need for this mission." Connor nodded, "I'll go find him," he said and left the room to find Squip. King George turned to Henry, "Let's go visit John, shall we?"


John looked up from where he was tied to the chair, King George, Henry VIII, and a woman walked in, the woman holding on to Henry's arm. "What do you want?" John spat. "John, what we want is for you to cooperate. Just tell us what we want to know." King George said to John. "John, sweetie just tell us what we want to know. When you do that I'm sure they'll let you have a bit of freedom." the woman said sweetly.

John looked at her suspiciously, "Who are you?" She smiled, "I'm Henry's wife. You can trust us." Henry and George looked at her and John, whatever she was doing was working. John seemed less tense and more relaxed. "I'm not talking to them," he said calmer than before but still slightly suspicious. The woman nodded, "Henry my love, can you and George leave the room, I want to talk to John." Henry nodded, "Of course love. Cmon George" Henry and George walked out of the room.

"John, can you tell me more about your friends?" the woman asked. "Well, there's Lafayette and Mulligan who are both ex-soldiers." John said, "There's also Jefferson and Madison who are giant pains in the ass." The queen nodded and smiled at John, "Who else is there?"

"Well, there's Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy who are some of the coolest women ever. There 's George Washington who was a great commander and leader. Then there's Alex... Alexander is the nicest, funniest, most handsome person I have ever met. The queen's ears perked up at the mention of the famous general. "Can you tell me more about Washington? Where is he now?" she asked. "Well, he's just been hanging out with us. He's usually there when we go out as a group." John said. "Do you know his phone number?" the woman asked. "Yeah its ###-###-####" John said. The queen nodded rapidly, "Thank you, John, for the help," she turned to leave.

"Wait, can I ask you a question?" John said. She turned, "Yeah, what is it, John?" John cleared his throat, "How is a nice woman like you married to a man like Henry?" The queen smiled, "He's not as bad as he seems. Sure he might not be the nicest person but his heart is in the right place. He loves me with all his heart and that's all I could ask." John nodded, "I guess that makes sense. Thank you." The queen nodded, "Thank you for your help, John," she said and walked out of the room leaving John alone.

Once she closed the door again she took out the hidden microphone from her hair.  "I got the recording you asked for," she said giving Henry a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, love. You did a great job." George looked around, "So we now know the location of George Washington." Henry and his queen nodded. King George laughed, "Perfect. George Washington my friend, you better be prepared, there's a storm coming for you."

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