Chapter 11: Dead Boys Walking

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Suicide

JD and Connor walked into the room where Squip was waiting for them. "Greetings and Salutations sir," JD said his boss. "You asked to see us?" Connor added. Squip nodded, "Ah yes Jason Dean and Connor Murphy, good to see you again." JD looked at him, "Okay then, and it's JD." Squip turned around to look at JD, "I know it is, but I would prefer we have this conversation on a first name basis, Jason." JD looked at him, "Why would this conversation be on a first-name basis? Besides we don't know your first name so we can't have this on a first name basis."

Squip held his hand out, "The name's Eric. Outside of this conversation you will refer to me as Squip, got it?" JD and Connor nodded. "Jason, Connor, do you remember how you joined us?" Eric said looking at them. "I don't remember exactly what happened. I remember you guys saying you found me unconscious and brought me here." JD said. Eric nodded, "That part is true, but it isn't the whole truth." Connor looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean it's not the whole truth...?" Eric looked JD and Connor directly in the eye, "When we found you, you were dead."

Connor looked shocked, "Dead? That isn't possible, I'm living and breathing right now." Eric nodded, "Yes you are right now, but when we found you you weren't. Now tell me, what is the last thing you remember before waking up." Connor thought back to that day, "I had been feeling particularly bad that day... I grabbed the pills from the medicine cabinet and ran to the park. I sat under the large oak tree and took as many pills as I could before I passed out..."

Eric nodded, "JD, it's your turn to share your story." JD nodded, "I was talking to the love of my life, Veronica Sawyer. I had planned to blow up the school earlier that day, she took the bomb out to the field so she could blow herself up and prevent the school from getting hurt. I took the bomb from her, I told her how much I loved her. Then I closed my eyes as the bomb blew up."

Eric nodded, "You both killed yourselves. You died, at least you did until we found you." Connor looked at him, "What did you do to us?" Eric shrugged, "We assumed you were dead and simply brought you back to the lab to test on." Connor was growing suspicious, "Why would you want to test on two seemingly dead bodies?" 

"We think we have found the way to bring others back to life using a secret summoning ritual. To our surprise it worked and we gained new henchmen to work for us." Eric said grinning evilly. "What does this have to do with us?" JD asked. "Simple, we want more people like you to link to out crew. We need more people to take our revenge." Eric said. "And why exactly should we help you with that?" Connor said.

"Well for one, after we squipped you, your life force is now connected to me. I could kill you at any instant," Eric said. "Well you just said that we both attempted suicide, obviously death didn't mean much to us." JD shrugged. Eric nodded, "I assumed that, which is why I waited to tell you until after we found out about your past lives. Connor you were fairly easy, you have a younger sister Zoe Murphy and two friends Evan and Jared." Connor shrugged, "Well you obviously don't know me that well, I hate those people." 

"But do you hate them enough for us to go after and kill them? To force them into the same fate you are currently living?" Eric said evilly. Connor backed away and shook his head staying quiet. "Well you've got nothing to hold over my head, nobody knows who I am. What's to stop me from leaving and never coming back, I mean we already established death doesn't scare me," JD said shrugging. "Exactly, that is why we waited to tell you until we found something we could hold over your head." Eric said. "And what exactly would that be?" JD asked. 

"A girl, one that seems to be very precious to you, perhaps you've heard of Veronica?" Eric asked. JD flinched at the mention of Veronica, "That's a common name, you couldn't possibly know which Veronica is my Veronica," JD said. Eric pulled up the recording of Veronica confessing to still loving JD, "Maybe this could change your mind about that?" JD watched the recording in shock, Veronica just confessed she still loved him. Maybe he had a chance with her again! The hope was quickly replaced with fear, this also meant they could go after her at any second.

"Okay fine, maybe that is my Veronica. Now what do you want?" JD asked frustrated. "Oh we just need you to help us get more henchmen like you," Eric said smiling. "And how exactly are we supposed to do that, you've already got me trying to recruit Jared. Isn't that enough?" Connor asked. "Oh I'm talking about JD, you see his little friend Veronica was talking about the fact that they killed three people. I need JD to get items from those three people so we can use the items to summon them," Eric said smiling. 

"Wait you want me to get items belong to the mythic bitch and the two secret homos?" JD asked. Eric nodded, "You're going to do that, unless you want Veronica to be our other henchman?" JD nodded, "Fine I'll do it, for Veronica." Eric handed JD and Connor paper, "You are going to be attending school, and that is a list of some of the people that I want you to keep an eye out for. If you see an opportunity to kidnap any of those people take it." Connor read the list out loud, "Jeremy Heere, Michael Mell, Christine Canigula, Katherine Howard and Phillip Hamilton?" 

Eric nodded, "The first three are the little brats that ruined my evil takeover scheme, the other girl is one of Henry's wives and Phillip is the son of that arrogant Hamilton guy." Connor and JD nodded. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?" JD asked. Eric nodded, "That is all, you two are dismissed." Connor and JD turned to leave. "Goodbye Eric." Connor said. "It's SQUIP," Squip said as he watched the boys leave.


Michael laughed as he and Evan left the library. Evan smiled, "I can't believe we spent the whole period texting in the library and we weren't even caught." Michael laughed again, "I just can't believe that you're so surprised about it. Have you never tried to chill?" Evan looked at him confused, "Chill?" Michael looked at him, "I mean relax, loosen up, don't worry." Evan shook his head, "Its just hard sometimes. I have really bad anxiety and I'm just too worried to chill. I mean it's like I'm always too worried and I ruin everyone's fun and- " 

Michael rested his hand on Evan's. "Hey don't worry, I get like that sometimes. You get so worried that you're going to mess everything up and end up overthinking everything. Just breathe, relax, everything is going to be okay," Michael said. Evan took a few deep breaths, "Thank you Michael. I'm sorry I get like that sometimes." Michael smiled, "Don't worry about it, it's okay. You don't have to apologize." Evan nodded, "Okay, I'll try not to." Michael smiled and held out his hand, "So, wanna go get some slushies?" Evan nodded and took his hand, the two boys walking away laughing and talking.

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