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Sorry, it is not a new chapter but I wanted to let everyone know by Wed April 1st or sooner I will have 5 new chapters out for you. Which are Chapter 32 pt2, Epilogue, my thanks, songs, and lastly a sneak peek of Book 2 'The Hunt'? So far three out of the five chapters are finished. I thought to just release them all at the same time.

On another note, I would like to know how everyone is doing? This year has been a mess because of COVID-19. So far my family has been in quarantine for about two weeks since my sibling stopped going to school. Since COVID-19 is a stronger form of the Flu and attacks the immune system, both my parents are Diabetic and are at a high risk of getting sick and could die. My mother is a nurse, she goes out every day to help and do her part. Knowing the risks she still goes out. So we take extra precautions when she comes back home from being out.

Like many Americans and everyone around the world, we are scared to lose any sources of income. I have many friends who have been let go from their jobs and are frantically looking for a job for the meantime. A friend of mine is excepting her first baby any day now and she and her husband have been struggling for almost a year. For one, She was fired when they found out she was pregnant and later on no one would hire her because she was expecting, her husband had gone back to school in hopes to find a better paying job until their son is born. Because of COVID-19, everything has been in a standstill.

It is scary especially for people who are Sick, Diabetic, Pregnant, Cancer Treatment Patients, and the Elderly including Babies. I am in a household where we have to worry about these things. But I am not going to lie there has been a blessing in all this. Even though there is chaos going around, my family and I have never been closer. I hate how that sounds but hear me out.

My younger sibling is about 10, 11, and 15 years younger than me, for the past few weeks the whole family including my mother have been having 'game nights'. (We haven't had game night since I was nine) My mom has always worked two jobs since I could remember and she does it because she wants to but watching my mother actually spend time with my younger sibling, she didn't realize how much she didn't know them as I did. When my mother had her days off she would mostly spend time with her friends and have fun. Which is fine, she needs a break here and there. There was a time my mother wanted to go to a Billy Joel concert and no one wanted to go but if she had known her 12-13-year-old daughter would have loved to go since my sister loves Billy Joel, she would have gone. I know it sounds like I'm throwing her under the bus here but she had come to me saying she never knew anything about her kids really. My brother( who is just a year younger than me) and I are really all she knows but she only knows the younger versions of us then the adult versions of us. I mean I haven't changed much, I still love Disney and Night Before Christmas but the thing is she really wanted to spend more time with her family than she ever had in a long time.

And it's not just her. My youngest sister who is nine normally does her homework by herself. Since both, my parents work and when I was working we didn't notice that she couldn't really read. And since there is no online schooling for her because some kids in our area don't have internet it's up to parents to home school them. But our school hasn't given us anything about what they need to learn. So I started a small school for my little sister to read, write, and since I have an Algebra book she is learning that. She hates it. So we just focus more on reading and writing. She really hates school and mostly wants to play games and watch T.V so I have to mix all that in.

COVID-19 had somewhat helped us, (more like being quarantined) realize something that some of us didn't notice before.

I tired of all the negative stuff and it's time to think about the positive thing.

There is a lot going on and it sucks. Everyone is struggling, some people don't have food and sadly toilet paper. I live in a household of five and we are doing okay. Unfortunately, my older brother is having a hard time feeding the new addition to our family since everyone is buying her formula in bundles and she needs a special kind formula and that is not cheap. Today I was able to buy about two of her formulas and drop it off at his doorstep.

Wow, this is long. Okay to cut it short. Be safe. Be kind. Help others if you can. Wash your hands. And know there is a light in the tunnel, there always is. I know it is stressful for some of you but everything will work out. Call your love ones, mom, dad, sibling, grandparents, just enjoy the free time and see how everyone is. This is a time to take the time to be with family or connecting family and friends.

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