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Phana's POV

I stepped off the basketball court feeling tired but happy. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed the workout that playing ball offered me. I was just walking back to my dorms when I saw a bunch of men carrying boxes into my building. A boy was standing outside the dorms, supervising all the men moving his boxes. As the men came back down the stairs, the boy seemed to be talking to them. He gave them a wai as they left. At least he's polite.

I'm about to walk into the lobby of my building when the boy turns around and I get a better look at his face. I'm frozen in wonder as I watch him. He's got beautiful white skin. His eyes are big and dark. His lips form a pouty arch over his straight, white teeth. He's not at all like Wayo, but he reminds me so much of my sweet boy that I stop breathing for just a second while looking at him. It isn't him. How can this boy walk around looking so adorable? It makes me unreasonably angry.

I go to fill my water bottle in the lobby while grumbling about young masters who let other people do all the work for them when he speaks to me.

"Are you talking about me?" the boy who is not my Wayo asked. He must have heard my muttering.

"Clearly you're a spoiled rich kid," I said, turning to look at him. "You should stop depending on your parents for everything and learn to take care of yourself."

Feeling like I've done my good deed for the day, I started to walk away when the boy said, "What's it got to do with you?"

"Listen, Shorty, it was just a suggestion from your senior. Which faculty are you in anyway?" I said, turning back to face him and walking closer. Why do I care what faculty he's in? Just walk away, Phana.

"Who are you calling short? I'm 178 cm tall."

"You're short compared to me," I said, stepping closer and looking down my nose at him to prove my point. From this close I can see his eyes are like chocolate and his lips are soft. I wonder if his lips taste as sweet as they look? What am I thinking? Stop that, right now!

"Three quarters of the people in the world are shorter than you. How does you being super tall make me short?"

The kid seemed to be mad at me, but I don't care. Trying to tempt me away from the memory of my Wayo with his cute face.

"Spoiled brat," I mumbled.

"Do you think that just because I'm shorter than you that my punch won't hurt your face?" Did he really just say that to me? I take another step forward and his eyes show surprise.

"Go ahead, try punching me," I said, getting in his face.

After looking at me for a moment, he pushes past me into the dorm and goes up the stairs. I realize I might have been more aggressive than I should have been, but I couldn't help it. Why did that kid have to come here and remind me of the one person I want but can't have?

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