Handsome Strangers

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Forth's POV

"Oi, Ai'Forth," Pha said, "Don't tell me that you know this brat?"

Yo looked angry at Pha's question and I felt a little shocked. Yo's anger was natural but Pha wasn't normally the kind of guy to be so mean. I looked over at the boy's cute face and large, doe eyes and felt protective.

"Nong Yo just came up here to calm down, Ai'Pha," I said quickly.

"Feeling stressed, Shorty?" Pha asked. "If you jump off that ledge you won't have anything else to worry about."

"You're teasing too much, Ai'Pha," I said, feeling annoyed at Pha's words. What has Yo done to deserve Pha's behavior? Hoping to distract Pha from further unkindness, I asked, "What do you need, Ai'Pha?"

"I just came to ask if you'll be going with us for drinks tonight," Pha said.

"Sure, I'll see you at the club," I said. I smile as I start to leave but stop short when I see Yo pull some money out of his wallet and push it toward Pha.

"What's this for, Shorty?" Pha asked, refusing to take the money.

"For the pink milk you bought me," Yo said. He kept pushing the money toward Pha, who refused to take it.

"I bought some for everyone," Pha said. "You don't like free things?"

"Maybe I don't want to be the same as everybody else," Yo said, finally getting Pha to take the money. "I couldn't even drink it anyway, I was afraid you put poison in it."

"Then take this money and go buy yourself an ice cream. I won't even touch it so you know it's safe," Pha said, sounding annoyed.

The whole scene was weird. I knew I shouldn't continue to eavesdrop, but from the way Pha was treating that Nong, I was worried. I walked back over to Yo.

"N'Yo," I said, smiling down at him, trying to sound reassuring, "why don't you go back into practice? I'll walk with you, I need to check in with Ging."

We left my friend, Pha, behind, but the look he was giving us as we walked away was anything but friendly.

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