Two Dates

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Phana's POV

I was just about to get into my car when I heard Shorty calling for me. He's panting a little, like an adorable little puppy. No! Like a stray dog. A tiny, yippie dog that just wants attention and pees on your shoes.

I stopped and waited for him. What does Shorty want now? Didn't he get the pink milk I sent as an apology? I look at his face and see a little sweat on his cheeks. Does he really have to be this cute? I've never seen a man as beautiful as this short guy. Not even him... .

Wait, don't be fooled by his sweet face, Phana. This boy is a brat! He licked his lips as he stood in front of me. Why do his pink lips make me want to kiss him?

"What is it?" I asked with a grumpy voice. Show him your coldest face, Phana. Don't look at his lovely eyes. Focus!

"I..." he looks down at his feet, looking a little hurt by my tone of voice. Why am I such a jerk?

"Are you still mad at me about last night? I didn't mean to make you wait for Pring for so long," I said. I feel like I need to apologize when his baby eyes are staring back at me like that. Why does he look so sad? When I find out who hurt my poor angel I'm going to break his nose!

Then I remember our fight last night and I feel like someone just stabbed me in the chest. I'm the one who made him cry.

"I had no idea I was going to see her." Why do I keep talking? I don't want Shorty to think I'm going to be easy on him now, so I said, "You can be mad at me if you want. I don't care about a kid like you anyway."

Shorty looked down again. He pinched the bridge of his nose like he had a headache. Maybe I should kiss his pain away? Then he looked up at me again with an uncertain look on his face. He looked so sweet. He smiled a little and I felt like the sun suddenly started shining.

"Don't you have a quiz now?" He blurted out. His smile made my knees feel weak. "Get the top score."

"What will you give me if I get the top score? I'll find out right after the exam," I said, watching his mouth. I should get something from him for all the trouble he causes me. Maybe he will give me a kiss?

"Chocolate?" He asked.

Nope. How about you give yourself to me instead? I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"Take me out to sushi." Great idea, Phana. I have been craving sushi for weeks, but none of my friends will go with me. Shorty nodded, so I guess that means he agrees. I get in my car, still thinking about his lips, and drive away.

 I get in my car, still thinking about his lips, and drive away

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Yo's POV

"Take me out to sushi."

Did Pha just ask me to have dinner with him? I nodded my head, and I could feel my cheeks blushing like crazy. Then he got in his car and drove away without even a wave. Jerk.

Just then my phone vibrated and I looked down at my messages. "Text me when practice gets out and I'll pick you up. If you don't have money, I can pay. ~Jaturapoom"

I forgot all about my dinner with Forth! What am I going to do now? Geez, I'm doomed. I try to calm down, maybe Pha won't be first and I won't have to go with him to sushi! Who am I kidding? Of course he'll be first, because that jerk is a genius. I already nodded, which is almost like saying yes. What am I going to do now?

I walked back to the practice area and sat down next to Ming. "What's with the face?" He asked me.

"As far as I know, it's the same face I've had for years," I responded.

"Just tell me already," Ming said. "What happened?"

I explained about my two dinner dates and he laughed at my predicament.

"Just go with your heart," Ming said, putting his arm around my shoulders. What kind of worthless advice is that? If I follow my heart, I will choose Pha, but he doesn't even like me. Why would I want to put myself through that kind of pain? And Forth is really starting to feel like someone I can count on. Doesn't that make him the better choice?

"P'Forth is a really nice guy. His ideas on things make sense. He's cool and he's nice," I said, trying to think it through.

"Yo!" My best friend grumbled, "Stop being such a playboy."

"What are you even talking about?" I tried to smack the back of his head but he moved out of my reach. I kept trying until he grabbed my hands. We were giggling and fighting like a couple of kids, but then Ging called us back in to the practice area. Looks like our break is over.

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