The Pink Milk Blues

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Joss's POV

"P'Joss!" Ming shouted, pushing his face close to Yo's phone camera. We're sharing a meal together, me in London having an early breakfast while Yo and Ming have lunch.

"Hey, N'Ming," I said, smiling at his joyful face. "I've missed you both."

"We missed you too, P'," Yo said, pushing Ming to the side so they can both see me.

We talk for a few minutes about my plans for today and how things were going at their freshman activities. I'm happy to hear that Yo's been making some good friends in his faculty. Yo and Ming are almost done with their food and I'm going to have to start getting ready to go to work soon. We don't get very much time to talk, so I take whatever chance I can to try to look after my friend from so far away.

"You should have been here today, P'," Ming said loudly, bringing my attention back to him. "P'Pha and Yo had an argument again today. You wouldn't believe how cool Yo sounded."

"N'Yo, are you okay?" I asked. I want to hear what happened, but how Yo felt about it is the most important part.

"I'm okay, P', it was just a stupid argument," Yo said, looking down. His eyes teared up for a second, making me wish I was there to kick stupid Phana in his rude face.

"What happened?" I asked, prompting Ming to continue.

"P'Pha came over to talk to Yo while we were getting ready for pictures and he said that Yo wasn't good enough to be a Moon. Yo disagreed, but then P'Pha said he was one of the judges," Ming told me. "Yo was awesome, he told P'Pha off for being biased."

"N'Yo, don't listen to that jerk," I said and my urge to kick stupid Phana intensified. "You're the best person I know."

"What about me?" Ming asked.

"You're the second best," I said, laughing at his sad puppy dog eyes.

"I'm going to go get something to drink, P'Joss," Yo said, standing up, obviously trying to avoid more conversation about stupid Phana. "I'll be right back."

"That's okay N'Yo," I said, looking at my watch. "I have to go get ready for work anyway. I'll text you later today, okay?"

 I'll text you later today, okay?"

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Phana's POV

I'm walking past some empty tables heading to the drinks stall when I see Shorty and his friend talking on the phone and eating their lunch. I walk near their table, wanting to see who is talking to my Shorty.

"Yo was awesome, he told P'Pha off for being biased." Ming said, sounding pleased. Are they talking about me?

"N'Yo, don't listen to that jerk," the handsome guy on the screen said. "You're the best person I know."

I continued walking, feeling my face get hot. I didn't even know that guy and he was calling me a jerk. Who was he anyway and why was he talking to my Shorty? Why did Shorty's face light up when he talked to that guy? I'm handsome, why doesn't Shorty's face light up when he's talking to me?

I knew I was too harsh when I talked to Shorty earlier, but I couldn't stop myself. He looked so much like my Wayo that it made me angry. Even his name was similar, which just made me angrier and I took it out on him. I really am a jerk.

A minute later, Shorty walks up to the drinks stall where I'm standing. He doesn't look happy to see me.

"A Thai milk tea and a pink milk please," I requested from the Aunty at the drinks stall. I hand the pink milk to Shorty, as an apology for my behavior today. He looks at me like I'm a pea pod person, but accepts.

I'm walking away feeling like I actually made a good impression when Pring comes up to me.

"Why did you buy a drink for that boy? Do you know him?" Pring asked.

"He's the Moon for the Science Faculty. I'm getting drinks for all the people helping with the competition," I said. I don't need anyone else to know how crazy I am about that boy.

"You're so nice Pha," Pring said. "I'll make sure to do something for them too."

Yo's POV

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Yo's POV

Ming and I walked to the Moon and Star practice area while I happily sipped on the last of the pink milk that Pha bought for me. After all the times I wanted to have him notice me in a positive way, I had finally achieved my goal. Pha bought me a drink!

When we reach the practice area, all the freshman that were helping in the competition preparations as well as all the moons and stars were milling around. My friends, Jae and Zee, came up to us holding a tray of drinks. They offered Ming a drink, seeing I already had one. I looked around to see that everyone had a drink from the drinks stall.

"Ai'Yo, Ai'Ming," Nate said, coming up to speak to us, a drink in her hand too. "Isn't P'Pha nice? He got drinks for all of us."

I could feel Ming look over at me in concern as I looked down at the pink milk that now felt like lead in my stomach. I'm a fool. I berated myself yet again as I quickly turned my back on the others and walked away.

I dropped the remainder of the pink milk in the first trash can I saw and walked up several flights of stairs. I found myself on the rooftop looking over the university buildings. I wanted so badly to forget that Pha even existed.

"Argh!" I screamed out in frustration.

"You okay, Nong?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I turned and saw a guy with dark brown hair, nice cheekbones, and a tattoo running up the side of his neck to his ear. He was leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

I coughed a little, choking on the smell of his cigarettes, but when he looked embarrassed I wished that I hadn't.

"I'm sorry P'," I said. " I didn't know anyone was here. I'll leave you alone."

"You stay," he replied. "I'll go. You can take some time to calm down."

"You were here first," I said, feeling embarrassed about my behavior. I must be making a very bad impression.

"You're N'Yo right, the Science Moon?" He asked. I nodded and he continued, "I'm Forth."

I chuckled a little at his name and he obviously caught it.

"I know my face doesn't match my name. You can call me Jaturapoom if you want."

"I'd rather call you P'Forth," I said, smiling at him.

He opened his mouth to say something else to me when Pha walked up to us.

"Oi, Ai'Forth," Pha said, "Don't tell me that you know this brat?"

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