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Yo's POV

My fairy angels sent me messages, letting me know that they were working on some decorations for the Science Faculty getting ready for the Freshman Games. Moon and Star practice got me out of all the other faculty activities right now, so I felt like I didn't get to see my new friends as often as I would like. They always kept me informed about what they were doing and welcomed me whenever I was around. I was so lucky to have met them.

I didn't have practice until later today, so I decided to go spend my morning helping them. When I arrived, they all ran up to me and pulled me into a group hug. I'd gotten used to the fact that the were people who liked to touch, so I was a willing participant. The only exception was when Chang tried to touch my crotch, which he did as often as he could. Those touches I could only hope to avoid with continued attention and fast reflexes.

I helped them cut out wood, paint, and decide where to place banners and signs. The work wasn't hard, though everyone kept trying to tell me to sit down and rest. Do I look that useless? I ignored them and continued to work, which earned me some surprised stares and smiles.

I was cutting out some wooden planks with a hand saw when someone came up behind me. My arm bumped into someone when I pulled back and I let go of the saw, turning to see who it was.

"Hi, you're Ai'Yo, aren't you?" A boy just a little taller than me with brown hair and a nice smile said to me. I had seem him a few times in lectures, but I didn't know his name.

"Yes, aren't you in the Physics department?" I asked with a polite wai.

"Yes, aren't you in the Physics department?" I asked with a polite wai

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"Yeah, my name's Park," he said. He kept staring at me, but didn't say more. I was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable when my phone rang, I excused myself quickly and moved away.

"Sawasdee krub," I said, answering my phone.

"Yo, where are you?" Ming asked, sounding out of breath.

"I'm at the Science building. What's up, Ming?"

"Meet me out at the parking lot. Hurry, okay?" Ming said, then hung up without waiting for my reply. What's wrong now?

I made my excuses to my fairy angels and ran off to meet Ming. He was already waiting when I got to the parking lot, so I just jumped into the passenger seat.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" I asked, feeling apprehensive.

"I need you to go somewhere with me," Ming said. "It's important."

A few minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot outside the Medical Faculty and Ming was pulling my arm as we walked quickly down corridors. He stopped outside one of the doors and peeked through the window, pulling back quickly in case someone saw him. This whole situation reminded me of high school and all the times I forced Ming to help me as I spied on Pha in his classes.

I peeked into the room as well and confirmed my suspicions. There, his red hair framed by the window and surrounded by other students, sat Kit. I burst out laughing, but Ming quickly put his hand over my mouth and pulled me away from the window.

"Shhh," Ming shushed me as he removed his hand from my mouth. We sat outside the door, watching Kit (and apparently Beam and Pha as well, since they were sitting next to him) and Ming sent him a few text messages. The more messages Ming sent, the more Kit blushed. Kit kept looking around, apparently looking for Ming.

 Kit kept looking around, apparently looking for Ming

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Ming was having the time of his life. Each of Kit's blushes seemed to spur him on until he was struggling not to laugh out loud. I was having a hard time not laughing as well, I hadn't seen Ming being so cute for a long time.

We heard the professor say the class was dismissed and the students inside started leaving. Suddenly, we realized we were about to be caught. Grabbing for my hand, Ming pulled me through the corridor and down two sets of stairs until we were far enough away that he felt like we were safe from discovery. Then we both broke into uncontrollable giggles. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Ming was leaning on me and I was leaning on him, holding each other up and neither of us could stop. Finally, the need for air stopped us and we slowed to gentle giggles. It was just like our high school days, except this time we were stalking Ming's crush.

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