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Forth's POV

Ging asked me to stay late and help clean up. By the time I was done, it was an hour after practice was finally over and I was sure I missed seeing Yo. But when I go to the parking lot to go home, I see him sitting on the steps by himself.  I didn't want him sitting here by himself.

"N'Yo," I said, walking up to him. "What are you doing out here so late?"

"I'm waiting for P'Pha," Yo said. "He knows a place with a piano so that I can practice for the talent portion of the competition."

Pha again? I didn't want to fight over a guy with my friend, but I thought I made my feelings and intentions obvious. So why did it feel like Pha was trying to make a move as well? If he had feelings for Yo, he should have said something when I gave him the chance.

"It's getting a bit late, isn't it?" I asked.

"It's okay, P'," Yo said. "I don't have much time left, so I really need the practice and Pha said he knew a place with a piano. I really can't delay any longer, the competition is in a few days."

"I could take you," I offered immediately. I would happily spend more time with him.

"Thanks P'," Yo said with a slight frown, "but I don't actually know where I'm supposed to be practicing and P'Pha isn't answering my calls. I'll just have to wait and hope he shows up."

"How late is he?" I'm starting to feel a little angry. Doesn't Pha care that he's making Yo wait all alone in the dark?

"It's a little more than an hour now," Yo looked down at his watch, his frown deepening. He's probably thinking exactly what I'm thinking, Pha forgot or got busy and didn't bother to let Yo know.

I am starting to understand Yo better the more time we spend together. He stands up for himself when he's in a temper, but the rest of the time he just lets people take him for granted. He doesn't know he's worth their time and attention. I want to change that for him. I want him to see himself the way I see him.

Suddenly a beautiful idea comes to me. For the first time since I've been helping with this competition, I'm glad Ging asked me to help with the manual labor. When I was putting equipment away, I saw a piano in one of the audio/video rooms.

"N'Yo, I think I know a place where you can practice right now," I said. "I can take you there. Do you trust me?"

I didn't mean it so seriously, but Yo looked at me like he was really weighing my honesty. I stood straighter and smiled at him. For the first time in a very long time, someone else's opinion mattered to me. I really want this boy to like me.

"I trust you, P'Forth," Yo said, standing up to go with me. The shy smile he gives me makes my heart beat faster. I'm never going to get tired of the way he makes me feel. "Are we going to take your motorcycle?"

His disappointment that the piano is within a short walking distance makes me laugh. When I promise him that I will give him a ride home when we're finished, his face lights up with a smile that takes my breath away. Trying to distract myself from my desire to kiss Yo's pink lips, I decided I better let Ging know that we'll be using the piano.

I called Ging to ask, and luckily I got the green light. Yo and I talked comfortably about inconsequential things as we walked down to the A/V room. Once there he played a few warm up pieces and stretched his fingers. Wow, he should have been in the music faculty. But then he stopped and looked over at me.

"Are you going to have enough time to practice?" I asked, realizing how short his time was before the competition.

"Don't worry," Yo said, smiling at me. "I picked a song that I know really well. It's a favorite of mine."

"Does it have a special meaning?" I asked.

"Actually, recently I've found myself thinking of someone special whenever I hear it," Yo said. He looked up at me, his cheeks blushing an attractive pink. Did he mean me? Please be talking about me.

"I can't wait to hear it," I said, hoping it was something romantic.

"P'Forth," Yo said, sounding serious, "would you mind going out while I practice?"

"You don't want me here?" I asked, feeling like I just got kicked in the stomach.

"That's not the reason," Yo said quickly. "I just want the song that I play to be a surprise."

"You won't even let me hear it first?" I asked, hoping he would let me stay.

"Please, P'Forth," he said with his sweet smile. My heart stutters at the way he's looking at me. I can't deny him anything. He already owns me.

"I'll get us something to eat. There's a noodle stall that stays open late not far from here," I said. Yo stood up and gave me a shy smile before wrapping his arms around me in a brief hug.

"Thanks," Yo said against my chest. I can feel his lips moving as he speaks and I'm suddenly very reluctant to let him go. He's irresistible.

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