Campus Moon

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Ming's POV

As soon as I got my sash, I looked around for Kit. I smiled brightly at him until I had to leave the stage. Yo and I exchanged congratulations and he waited for Forth while I went to find my KitKat.

"Are you ready?" I asked, as soon as I found him, waiting in the hallway.

"Fine," he said. He seems grumpy, but he always seemed grumpy, so I just ignore it. My phone rings during our ride, so I put it on speakerphone.

"Darling, I heard you won the Campus Moon title," Muwan said over the phone.

"I did! You missed out," I replied. "I looked really handsome today."

"I'm really happy for you. I wish I'd been able to come," Muwan said.

"Baby, I can't really talk right now," I said. "I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay, bye my darling," Muwan said. I hung up the phone and asked Kit, "Where do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry," he said. I couldn't see his face, but he seemed grumpier than usual.

"You have to eat, you promised," I said, ignoring his protest. I took us to the restaurant where we had our first date and we went in to order. We were waiting for our food when I noticed that he seemed even more angry than his normal grumpy. "What's wrong?"

"Don't you have something you want to tell me? Darling?" he asked. Oh, I get it.

"You mean Muwan? She's my ex-girlfriend," I tried to explain. "We broke up, but we'd been dating for a year, so we just got used to those nicknames. It doesn't mean anything."

"Why did you break up?" he asked, finally looking at me when they brought our food.

"Well I started to like someone else," I said. Kit hated liars, so I just had to be honest. "It wasn't to the point where I wanted to court that person, but I didn't like Muwan enough to stay with her, so we broke up."


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"You had a girlfriend when you decided you liked someone else," Kit said. "What an ass.

"It might not have been the nicest thing to do, but I knew that I shouldn't stay with Muwan when I liked someone else. That wouldn't have been fair to her," I told him. "Now I am courting the person I like. He's sitting in front of me right now."

Kit choked on the food he had just put in his mouth and took a long sip of his drink. I took that opportunity to continue to explain, "I didn't stop calling her baby because it was just a habit, but I didn't think about how that would make you feel. I'm sorry."

He ignored me and kept eating his food. At least he doesn't seem angry anymore. We finished eating and I drove him home. Before we arrived, Muwan called again. It was pretty embarrassing, but I put her on speakerphone again and told her that I couldn't call her baby anymore because I didn't want to hurt my boyfriend's feelings. She was upset and thought I was lying about having someone else, but I had to end it now.

"I'm hurt too, you know," I said to Kit as soon as I got off the phone and we stopped at his dorm. "But I couldn't keep dating her, when I only want to look at you."

Kit smiled a little, and then moved to get out of my car. I stopped him and gave him my sash, telling him that I wanted him to have it. I knew I would need it later, but I won it for him, so he should get to keep it until I had to use it again.

When I got home I saw that Kit had liked my competition photos. He had also changed his LINE account to KitKat. My heart fluttered in my chest. Today was a very good day.

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