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Phana's POV

Yo was ready to go when I got back to the room. We walked over to Forth's together.

"Did you have a nice day, N'Yo?" I asked, wanting to start a conversation. I hoped if we were already talking, I would be able to keep his attention when we got to Forth's room.

"After I stopped throwing up, it wasn't too bad," Yo said, smiling politely. He seemed pretty comfortable and he wasn't annoyed at me, so we were off to a good start.

"There will be more pictures in the morning tomorrow and then we'll have a little time to rest before we have to go home," I mentioned. He didn't respond, because we had just arrived at Forth's room and were being told to come in and sit down.

Yo picked up a drink from the table, and sat down on the floor near Forth. I sat next to Yo, wondering what to talk about. I didn't have long to think though, Beam came in, followed quickly by Kit with a bag of snacks. There were already three other guys, so the room was getting full.

"P'Kit, where's Ai'Ming?" Yo asked. Kit blushed and murmured something that sounded like, "I left him by the beach."

Yo pulled out his phone and quickly texted Ming, asking where he was. I watched Yo's phone for a response and soon Ming sent a text saying he'd be back in a few minutes. Yo looked over at Kit with concern on his face. What was that all about?

Yo joined in the conversation that was going on in the room, and seemed to be getting along with everyone. I attempted to attract his individual attention, but he never stayed focused on me for too long. I was frustrated, but I didn't know what else to do.

Ming came in five minutes after Yo sent him a text. He seemed upset and Yo looked at him with a question in his eyes. They whispered to each other for a minute before Ming sat down and took a drink. After an hour with the group, Yo was ready to go.

"I'm going to go back to my room now," Yo said.

"Stay a little longer?" Forth asked, reaching for his hand. I gritted my teeth to keep myself from growling in displeasure.

"I can't, I have an important phone call before I go to bed," Yo said, standing up and walking to the door. "Thanks for the drink. I had fun."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning," Forth said.

"I'll go with you, N'Yo," I said, standing to leave as well. This is what I was waiting for, the opportunity to spend some time alone with him. I was lucky the party was in Forth's room, because I could see that Forth wanted to go home with Yo, too.

"Tell P' that I said 'hi'," Ming said as we walked out the door.

When we got back to the room, Yo immediately sat on the bed and made a video call. The call was answered right away and Yo said, "Ai'Ming says 'hi.' We both miss you."

"I miss you too, N'Yo," the voice replied. It was the same voice that had yelled at me from the phone before. "Where are you now?"

"We're at the hotel by the beach, I'm in my room," Yo said.

"Why isn't Ming with you? Are you all alone?"

"He's drinking with some of our friends," Yo replied, smiling. "I'm not alone, though, P'Pha is here as well."

"You're sharing a room with the guy who threatened you? Who was the genius who came up with that plan?"

I felt like a jerk, listening to their conversation, especially now that it had turned to my bad behavior. I sat next to Yo on the bed, letting the guy see my face.

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