Chapter 62

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After your very enjoyable activity with Loki, you finally got the rest that you told the team you were getting. You really did need it and your fun with Loki had made sure that you were tired enough to actually get the sleep you needed. Plus it had been very good sex.

You woke in time to head down to dinner and you got to enjoy spending time with the team while you talked about the upcoming wedding and what would be expected of you for a royal wedding on Asgard. There was no question that you would have a royal wedding. Loki was a prince of Asgard and you were a duchess thanks to saving Frigga's life. There was no way you were getting out of a royal wedding. Which was going to be a huge realms-wide affair.

"Are you sure we can't just elope?" You asked Loki with a whine when you realized how formal and fancy this event was going to be. You didn't do fancy dresses or big formal occasions. You were far too down to earth for such things. Hel, you'd gone to school in hand-me-downs because that's what you had.

Now you were going to be a princess.

Loki laughed and took your hand in his, lifting it to kiss your knuckles. "We must go through with a royal wedding, magelet," he reminded you gently. "But we will get through it together, just as we will spend our lives together," he reassured you. You realized something then, much as Loki wanted to have the spotlight, much as he wanted to be Thor's equal and have some of the sunlight and praise for himself, he was afraid to have all that attention on himself. Loki was so used to hiding in the shadows, to being less valued than Thor, that he wasn't sure how to handle the fact that for one day, he was going to be the one in the spotlight, the one celebrated and honored.

It wasn't something that was easy for him either.

Much as he was looking forward to it, you knew it terrified him to consider.

"Together, Lokitty," you agreed warmly and leaned over to kiss your Loki, to reassure both of you that you really were in this together.


The next morning, you stood after breakfast and donned your teacher's robes. You had classes to teach. Somehow you'd gone from subbing an occasional class to having a schedule of classes to teach. You weren't quite sure when you'd agreed to that, but you didn't really mind. Especially since you could bring Loki with you and he was a fantastic teacher.

"Magelet? Are you sure you should be attending classes?" Loki asked concerned. He also got to his feet and donned his robes. "I can continue teaching your classes for you," he offered. He knew you were still recovering from turning back and from spending months as a cat. You weren't as strong as you pretended, didn't have as much magic back as you'd like.

You gave Loki a look. "Loki," using his actual name was a sign that this conversation was going to be serious. "I'm not an invalid. I'm not helpless or in need of protection. I'm going to be your wife, you equal. Yes, I'm still recovering. Yes, I'm going to take it easy and be careful. And yes, you're coming with me to the Academy to teach with me. But I will not just sit at home and do nothing but be protected,"

Loki wasn't taken aback by your rant. Instead, he seemed pleased. He stood and kissed your cheek. "You are the strongest woman I have ever met, magelet. And I don't doubt for a moment that you are perfectly capable. I do worry, however, that you push yourself too hard when you do not need to. There is no need to prove anything to me, to any of the team, or to yourself. We all know that you're strong and capable and we also all know that you're healing and recovering. No one would think less of you if you take the time you need to fully recover,"

"Lokitty, I've been doing nothing but recover as a cat for months. I took the time I needed, now I need to get back to being a human again. I have to get back to my life, to teaching, to helping the team, to being an Avenger, a witch, a person. I can't sit on my ass anymore," you protested. You couldn't, wouldn't be a useless lump anymore. You had to get on with your life.

Loki took your hand in his with a smile. "Then we will get you back to your life together," he promised with warmth and love in his eyes.

You felt your pulse slow as you relaxed when he didn't insist that you had to stay home and rest. You knew he would be overprotective enough that he wouldn't let you overdo it on your first full day back as human, but he wouldn't stop you from living your life either. "That's all I want," you replied and kissed him softly before you both teleported you to the Academy to begin your day. 

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