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It had been four months since Spencer and Max got married. It was the beginning of summer so they decided to have a beautiful outdoor wedding, with all their friends and family. Max's father walked her down the aisle towards Spencer, as he stared in awe at her beauty. During their vows, they meant every word they said to each other; how they will love and support each other no matter what the future holds. When they danced, the whole room seemed silent; it was as if it was just the two of them. Spencer had wanted to give Max a proper honeymoon, to Hawaii or Paris, but Max insisted that she wanted to stay local. They ended up staying in a nice hotel in D.C. for a week; sitting by the pool during the day, going out to fancy restaurants in the evening. Once they'd get back, the both of them would strip down and take a hot bath together. They didn't usually stay in the bath long because things would get heated between the two of them rather quickly, and there wasn't much room for them to move around. After drying off just enough, Spencer would pick Max up and lay her on the bed. He'd kiss her lips then trail down her body just until he got down between her legs. Max would play with his hair as he lightly kissed her pearl. Needing him, she would pull his face back up to hers, pressing her lips to his as he pressed down into her. He began with slow, deep thrusts into her, making her breathe heavily. Then he'd speed up, satisfying a need they both had. They'd cum together, making all common sense and awareness leave their minds. Max would whisper "Doctor Spencer Reid, you are very decent", to which Spencer would chuckle huskily. He'd pull her against him, pressing his lips to her neck. Having had their fun, they'd fall asleep intertwined with one another.
Since then, Max had gone back to work, teaching art to elementary school kids. Spencer had continued working after their honeymoon, going on cases with his team to catch serial killers. When Spencer wasn't away and he came home at decent times, they'd have talks about their future. If they wanted to move into a bigger house, have kids one day. They both agreed that both possibilities were things they wanted, so they put their minds together trying to make it all happen. They knew they wouldn't move far, but they both wanted a change in scenery. Max also didn't want to wait forever to have a baby, which Spencer didn't mind one bit. Spencer's eyes eventually fell on a Victorian house not too far from the BAU. It had a nice purple color siding on the first story, then on the second story it had blue siding. The front patio curled around the front and side of the house, a nice place to read and have coffee. Spencer knew this is where he wanted to start a family with Max. After showing her pictures, she felt the same way. After looking on the inside, they both made the decision to buy the house.
Max started to feel a bit sick again as she put some more of their belongings into a box. Most of their stuff was already at the new house, including a mattress and most of their clothes. Spencer had said they should have their first night there, once he got back from his most recent case in Georgia. After hearing about what happened to Spencer with Tobias Hankel in Georgia many years ago, Max knew that everytime he returned home from there, he'd have a rough couple days. Thinking about what Tobias had done to him, Max gagged as if she were about to throw up. Luckily, she was in the kitchen, right next to the sink of all places. She leaned over it, dry heaving a couple times. She took a few deep breaths, but still felt a bit nauseous.
Maybe i'm pregnant.
Max's eyes widened at her last thought. She and Spencer had been trying for the past two months to get pregnant. Max thought she was last month due to her late period, however after being five days late, it arrived. Spencer concluded that she was late due to stress, which she usually had a lot of at the time of the new school year. Now things have been put under control, things are almost all set up at the new house so there seemed to be no apparent reason for Max to be stressed. Her cycles were mostly regular so there was no reason for her to be late, considering now that it was off by a week. Spencer had left two days ago and wouldn't be back for another two it seemed, so Max didn't see the harm in investigating the situation herself. Max gathered the few boxes that she had left to bring to the new house and brought them out to her car. Before she went to drop them off, she went over to the local pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test. She was a bit nervous to take it; she wanted this news to be something Spencer could feel good about when he got home, to know that he was gonna be a father. There was part of Max that feared she'd been overthinking her symptoms, but she continued to have the gut feeling that there was a small person inside of her. Following the instructions, Max left the test out on the bathroom counter of their new home and walked into their bedroom. They still didn't have the bed frame or springboard they ordered, but they did have their mattress and sheets. They got themselves a small TV to keep in their room, which they planned to have sit on top of their dresser. They had a bay window that allowed them to have a wide view of the front of their house. Max liked their new room. Thinking three minutes had gone by, Max went back to the bathroom. She had faced the results window down so she wouldn't see it immediately. Closing her eyes, she picked up the test and turned it over in her hand. Accepting that either answer was not a bad thing, she opened her eyes. A distinct, blue plus sign was visible in the results window. Max put a hand to her mouth to hold in her squeak, even though there was no one around to hear her. A few happy tears escaped her eyes. Spence is gonna be so happy, Max thought. As if he knew she was thinking about him, her phone rang with his picture shown. Composing herself, she accepted the call.
"Hey, what's up?"
"We finished the case sooner than we thought. I kinda insisted that we head home tonight instead of in the morning. We are just about to take off."
Timing couldn't be better, Max thought.
"Okay, well I'm actually at the new house, finishing up bringing in some of the smaller boxes. I can order something and we can have our first night here. Sound good?"
Spencer wanted to reply with a more cheerful tone, but he was exhausted. He never liked going back to Georgia, and the days following weren't much better.
"Sounds great."
"How are you?" Max asked, feeling the need for him to reassure her that he was gonna be okay during the plane ride home.
"Ready to leave the ground already." Spencer said, chuckling a little bit so Max knew he meant it light heartedly.
"You'll be home soon. Read for a bit, it always helps you clear your head. When you get home, I'll be here."
Spencer smiled. He loved his wife very much and appreciated how much she cared for him. He told her he loved her and got off the phone, taking out a book as the plane left the ground.
Max only had a little bit of time left before Spencer got home, but she wanted to find a special way to present the news to him. A memory from when she was at the pharmacy earlier popped into her head, and she knew what she wanted to do.
Spencer pulled up into their driveway, looking up the house he now called home. Feeling the intense urge to see his wife, he got out of the car, quickly got his bag and ran up the steps. The door was unlocked and Spencer could see the lights were on, so he knew Max was home. Opening the door, he dropped his bag to the side and called "Max I'm home." He heard someone run towards the top of the stairs. Max got a glimpse of him and within seconds she was down the stairs and in his arms. Spencer dug his face into her shoulder, breathing in her scent. Max could feel that he was a bit tense, but being with her now eased that a bit. Lifting his face to look at her now, Max could see both the physical and mental exhaustion in his eyes. She placed her hands on his cheeks, then lifted to her toes to kiss him. His arms crept from around her shoulders to her hips. After a few moments, Max pulled away from his lips and whispered, "You hungry? I got Indian." Spencer smiled, and Max could see that he was genuinely starting to feel better. Leading him to the kitchen, there was a take out bag on the middle island. "You want coffee or tea?" Max asked. Spencer gave it a thought as he sat on a bar stool. "Coffee. It might be late but I'm not ready to sleep yet." Max nodded and pulled a mug from the cupboard. While he was on his way home, she had went back to the pharmacy to pick up a mug that said "#1 Dad" on it. She also thought it was the perfect opportunity to start stocking their cupboards with their cups and plates. Max had gotten through all the cups, but couldn't seem to find the box with all their plates. She went to check upstairs, somehow they ended up there, when Spencer walked in the door. She knew Spencer would probably want coffee now so she made sure to plug in their Keurig. While the coffee brewed and was dispensed into the mug, Spencer was busy pulling out the cartons of food. Once the machine finished, Max poured in some milk and sugar. Spencer had already begun eating when Max turned around. She placed the mug next to his arm and folded her arms on the countertop, smiling at him. He finally met her eyes, having broken from his thoughts.
"Are you gonna have some? I can't eat all of this by myself." Max's grin widened. "Take a sip from your coffee, tell me if it's good." Spencer raised an eyebrow but complied, bringing the mug to his lips and taking a sip. It tasted how he liked it. It was then that Spencer realized that he didn't recognize this mug. He and Max had a habit of collecting mugs from places, and with his eidetic memory he remembered all the mugs they owned. He turned the mug around to see that it said "#1 Dad" and said "Where'd you find this?" Max let a small laugh escape her and said "I bought that for you while you were on your way home." Spencer's eyebrows scrunched together, then relaxed as realization hit him. He met Max's eyes, searching to see if there was any truth to what the mug implied. Max pulled a pregnancy test from her back pocket and placed it in front of him, allowing him to see the plus sign. A sigh came out of Spencer's mouth. He picked up the stick, not completely understanding what he was seeing. Actually, he knew exactly what he was looking at, he just didn't entirely believe it. Max walked around the island and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, waiting for his response. His look of awe turned to one of joy and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Spencer turned his head to face her. "You're really pregnant?" Spencer asked softly. Max blushed and said "Well the statistics that these things give false positives are very low, so I think it's safe to assume that I am. I'll have to double check with my--" Spencer cut her off as he smashed his lips against hers. He kissed her passionately and she reciprocated with just as much intensity. He pulled her into his lap, then pressed his forehead to hers. Max let out a giggle which made Spencer smile. He picked up his fork, stabbed a piece of chicken, then brought it up to Max's mouth. "In that case, you need to eat."

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