Never Hindered The Love.

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Spencer drove into the parking lot of the hotel that they were going to be staying at for the next few days. Over the course of the past few months, Eloise and her fiance Landon had corresponded on what they should do for their wedding and when they should have it. They wanted to have it as soon as possible, so they decided to have it on Saturday, February 12th, since it would be considered Valentine's day weekend.
It was set to be in Virginia Beach, which was where Eloise and Landon had met. Coincidentally, the hotel they were staying at was the one where they stayed since it was during a spring break when they tagged along with friends. A lot of those same friends were invited to the wedding, along with both their families, which included Spencer's team.
As Max exited the car, she could hear her sister squealing across the parking lot as she ran towards some of her college friends. A lot of them moved out of state a while back, but they remained in touch and were ecstatic to hear that Landon had finally proposed. And by some luck, even after Max opened the rear car door, Willow and Ayla remained past out from the long car ride.
"Willsy, time to get up sweetness." Max soothed, rubbing her leg. Willow lolled her head to the other side and wiped her eyes, stretching her arms outward. She unbuckled herself and allowed Max to lift her out of the seat, then skipped to the back of the car where Spencer was pulling their suitcases.
"I help?"
"They're kinda heavy darling, but you can try rolling them to the curb with me." Spencer told her, slinging the diaper bag over his shoulder. He extended the handle and leaned the suitcase down to her level, allowing her to pull it as she walked. He held her other hand and walked across the lot with her, hollering to Max that he'd meet her inside.
In the main lobby, most of his team, some of Landon's family and Eloise's parents were scattered about, mingling as they got room keys and waited for other people to arrive. Emily, Andrew, Rossi, Krystall, Luke, Garcia, Tara were all in attendance, along with Will, JJ and their boys. When they spotted Spencer come through the door, they called out for him by his last name and beckoned him towards them.
"Hey, are you guys excited?" He asked.
"So excited, this place is gorgeous." Emily answered, and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Willy! How are you sweetie?" Garcia squealed, hugging Willow tightly.
"Good. I gonna be a flower girl tomorrow."
"I heard. Do you have your own pretty dress ready?"
They got all their room keys while they waited for the Simmons clan and Max, then made their way into the elevators and to the fourth floor where all their rooms were. Max and Spencer's room was 409, and he swiped the card in the slot until it unlocked. They had one queen sized bed and a pullout couch, where they planned to have Willow sleep for the next two nights; and glancing around the room, it didn't take long for Spencer to locate a good spot for Ayla's playpen.
After situating all the bags so they weren't in the way, Max hung up the dresses and Spencer's suit in the provided closet, allowing any wrinkles to be alleviated. Spencer put their toiletries in the bathroom, then noticed Ayla starting to wake up in her carrier. He took her out and kissed her temple, talking softly to her in her ear.
"Daddy, put Ayla down." Willow said, pulling on his pant leg. A few weeks ago Ayla had begun crawling, and Willow became so intrigued by it that she'd randomly ask them to stop holding her so she could watch her sister move across the room all on her own.
Spencer did as he was told and Ayla slowly took off towards an open suitcase, where her toys were peaking out. He took some of them out and scattered them on the floor, watching her crawl around to each one. Willow giggled as she watched as well, and clapped for her sister once she collected all of them.
"Well all of that's done. I'm gonna go touch base with El and see what she's got going. We still have time before dinner so I was hoping we go down a few blocks and show the girls the ocean." Max said, clasping her hands together gleefully. Neither girl had ever been to the beach, mainly because they never had the time or ambition to go themselves; but it was something they wanted the girls to experience, since they both could agree that the ocean during sunset was absolutely incredible.
"Okay. I'm gonna go visit the team and see how they're settling in."
"I take one, you take one?" Max asked. Spencer knew she was referring to the kids.
"Take your pick."
"Willa, come with me to go visit Aunt Ellie." Max said, holding her hand out. Willow got up from the floor and grabbed onto it, walking beside her mother out of the room and down the hall.
"Alright blue eyes, let's go see what our neighbors are up to." Spencer said, picking Ayla off the floor and carrying her out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I Will Never Let You Go (A Maxcer Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora