Just A Tummy Ache.

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Max watched Willow from her chair in the backyard as she splashed around in her kiddie pool.  It was August, and the summer sun was in full effect. It was also three days past Max's due date, which had them wondering when the baby would arrive. As promised, Spencer had been home every night, and he always seemed to have suggestions up his sleeve that were supposed to induce labor. Unfortunately, none had worked so far.
The sliding door opened behind Max and she turned her head at the sound of it, seeing Spencer appear with shorter hair than when he'd left for work that morning. He'd told her he was going to have it cut after work, but she was surprised to see it that short.
"Daddy!" Willow exclaimed, running up to him in her wet bathing suit. It was a white and aqua two-piece that had two popsicles on it; another outfit Garcia had bought for her birthday. Max was also in a bathing suit top, but she wore a pair of her pajama shorts. Willow hugged him as he crouched down to her, getting his work clothes wet. Once he released her, she ran back over to her pool and Spencer took a seat next to his wife, leaning over to plant a kiss on her lips.
"How are you?"
"Good. I like your hair." Max said, running her fingers lightly through it. He smiled and placed a hand on her bare stomach.
"Have any contractions today?"
"A few, though they were hours apart and only lasted like 20 seconds." Max sighed. Spencer nodded and tilted his head, looking at her bump from a different angle. It seemed to be the same size as when she had Willow, if not a little bigger.
"We just gotta be patient. She'll come out when she's ready." Spencer said, and Max gave him a droll look.
"Yeah, but if we continue to wait and too much time goes by, I'm gonna have to be induced and have her in the hospital."
"That is true, but like we've discussed before: it may not be something we want but it will be alright."
Max nodded slightly and looked over at Willow, smiling as she saw how happy her little girl was. Spencer did the same, but didn't stop pondering about ways to make his wife feel more optimistic.
"You know, there are prostaglandin hormones in semen--."
"Spence, I'm 40 weeks pregnant, I can't exactly move like before. Plus I get hot enough at night as it is."
"Well an oxytocin rush would suffice too." Spencer said matter of factly. They looked back at each other and Max narrowed her eyes at him. They tried mostly everything there was to try to induce labor except sex, but now there seemed to be no other option. Max had tried to hold off because she wasn't in the mood for it, which Spencer understood, but he was just as frustrated as she was. He didn't like watching her be uncomfortable, and he knew that once labor started, it would be the beginning of the end of her pregnancy.
"We'll see." Max said, a small smile forming on her face as she looked back over at Willow. The sprinklers sprang up out of the ground and began watering the lawn, and Willow ran through them, looking like she was having the time of her life. Spencer stood and walked over to where she was playing, allowing himself to be soaked even further. He chased his daughter throughout the backyard, going through each of the sprinklers as they went. After watching for a few minutes, Max joined them; taking Willow's hands in theirs, they swung her into the water. It reminded them both of the day they met, which prompted Spencer to tell Willow the story as she drifted off to sleep that night.

The next morning, Spencer was surprised that their child alarm clock hadn't woken him up, as the digital one next to the bed read 8:30 a.m. Max was still fast asleep, so he crept around the room and into the bathroom quietly. He decided to take a shower since he still felt the sweat from last night on his body.
As Max and him laid next to each other the night before, they worked their magic on each other with their hands dipped inside their underwear. The primary goal was to get Max to have a few climaxes, hoping it would kick start labor, but Max didn't feel Spencer should be left out. He'd been just as deprived as she was, so she insisted that she put as much effort into pleasuring him as he was for her.
Once he was out of the shower, he saw she was in the same position he'd left her in and looked at the clock, seeing that it was five to nine. He left their bedroom and moved down the hall to Willow's room, where her door was slightly ajar. She was sitting up in her bed, brushing the hair from her eyes, but she threw her head back on the pillow when she noticed him standing there. Spencer smiled at her silliness and entered the room.
"Good morning Wils, how'd you sleep?"
"I wen potty."
Spencer picked her up off of her bed and placed her feet on the floor, running a hand over her sheets to see if they were wet. When he found that they were dry, he looked back at her with a confused face.
"I wen potty Daddy." Willow repeated, pointing towards her door. After several moments it clicked in Spencer's head.
"Ohh you went potty in the bathroom?"
"Good job. Is that why you woke up?"
"Okay. Well Mommy's still asleep, so we gotta be quiet okay?"
"Okay." Willow whispered.
They went downstairs and Spencer put the TV on low volume, setting the channel to some cartoons.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Spencer asked.
"Fwench toast."
"Want orange or apple juice?"
Spencer ruffled her hair a little before heading to the kitchen to start making the food. Before he did though, he pulled one of Willow's sippy cups from the cupboard and filled it with juice, then walked back to the living room to give it to her.
As he walked back to the kitchen, he saw Max at the top of the stairs with one hand on the railing and the other supporting her belly. Her eyes were closed and her brows were scrunched up.
"You okay babe?" Spencer asked. It was soft, but loud enough so she would hear him. She exhaled and opened her eyes, nodding as she came down the stairs.
"I think your magic worked last night." Max said, stepping off the last step to stand in front of him.
"What makes you say that?" Spencer asked, putting his hands on her hips.
"Well I woke up to a contraction and had one just now, so they were like 15 minutes apart. I also went to the bathroom and saw some spotting."
Max nodded and Spencer ran a hand through his hair, a nervous laugh escaping him.
"Nothing...I was just kinda expecting you to come down here and complain that nothing had changed and that you were sick of being pregnant again."
Max smirked at that and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Do you want me to check you?" Spencer asked.
"Err I'll let you make breakfast and eat first."
"Good call."
Spencer pressed a kiss to her lips and she patted his chest before going to sit on the couch next to her daughter, leaving Spencer to go cook.

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