9:19 P.M.

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As soon as Max got the words out, the two of them were on the move. Spencer cleaned the floor while Max took Willow upstairs to pack her overnight bag. Simultaneously, she called Savannah, her sisters, and her mom, telling them that the baby was coming soon and that they needed to get their butts over there. Once she got in touch with all of them and knew they would be on their way soon, she stripped the bed of the comforter and started laying out all the things they needed for the birth.
When another contraction hit, it was a lot more painful and more fluid trickled out of Max; if it wasn't for the pad she was wearing, she would have wet another pair of shorts. She almost screamed from how suddenly intense it was, but she kept her breathing steady and rocked from side to side with her hands planted on the bed.
Hands squeezed her hips together and Max realized that Spencer had returned, having not made a sound as he crept into the room.
"Let me know when it's done and I'll check you okay?" Spencer said softly. Max hummed in response, continuing to focus on her breathing. Once it was over, she laid down on a puppy pad and resumed her position while Spencer slipped on another pair of gloves. He slipped two of his fingers in while his other hand rested on her leg. His face was stoic, professional as he checked her dilation, but then his eyebrows shot up and his mouth opened slightly.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong...I'm just touching a lot of more of her head." Spencer admitted, smiling sheepishly down at her.
"Am I completely dilated?" Max asked.
"No...you're almost a seven...and she feels lower."
"No need to tell me that." Max quipped, flicking his arm. Spencer helped her sit up and offered her underwear, but she pushed it away.
"Everytime I contract it's like my water breaks again, and I'd like to have some underwear once this is over."
Spencer smirked, putting the panties back in her drawer.

Within the next hour, Eloise and Lilith made it to the house, having brought their own bags to stay for the night if need be. Michelle had gotten sick and didn't want to risk spreading germs, so they were just waiting on Savannah and Derek. They all stayed in Max and Spencer's bedroom, keeping Max calm while also keeping an eye on Willow. She ran up and down the hall a few times, heading into closets and things that she wasn't supposed to, but Eloise was on her like a hawk. After telling her to stay with them in the room, she cuddled into Max's side, hugging her bump.
"Baby sister's gonna be here real soon, so you're gonna have a sleepover with Uncle Derek and Hank and Delanie okay?" Max explained to her two year old. Willow nodded and rubbed her eyes, which was a telltale sign that she was getting tired. A glance at the clock told them it was nearing 8 p.m. when the Morgan's finally arrived.
Willow gave her mom, grandma and aunt one last hug and kiss before Spencer brought her and her backpack downstairs. When he opened the door, Savannah was standing on the porch while Derek stood by his car, close enough that he didn't leave their children unattended.
"Hey, fun night we're gonna have right?"
"Right. They're all upstairs in our bedroom. Everything is all laid out ready to go."
Spencer informed her of Max's progress before he let her into the house, allowing her to go upstairs on her own. He went over to Derek, who already had a carseat set up for Willow.
"Hey pretty princess." Derek said, brushing wisps of hair from Willow's eyes. She had her head leaning on Spencer's shoulder and was barely staying awake, but she remained conscious while she was buckled into the seat. Spencer spoke to her as she dozed off, before he had to leave her in the hands of his best friend.
"Be good for Uncle Derek. We'll see you very soon. I love you peanut."
"Love you Daddy." Willow whispered, her eyes finally fluttering shut. He stepped away from the vehicle and Derek shut the minivan door.
"So you're really doing this?"
"As long as everything continues to go smoothly; if not, Savannah might have to take over. And if things go really wrong we have numbers to call. As of right now though, I'm feeling optimistic." Spencer said, looking up at their bedroom window.
"I'm just amazed, Reid. You've come a long way, and now you're gonna be a father of two girls."
"I know, it's crazy."
"So, do I get to know the name of this new princess? It's not like I have anyone to tell it too." Derek smirked, gesturing to the minivan which had three sleeping kids inside of it.
"No, you have to wait just like everyone else. But I will make sure that you are the first to know that she's here."
Even before they knew the gender, they knew what middle name they wanted to use if it was a girl. The tricky part was picking a first name that they liked, had a nice meaning, and went well with the middle and last names; it was also important to Max that they could make nicknames out of it. Only a couple weeks ago did they find the right name, and so they thought to just keep it a secret until she was actually born.
Derek hugged Spencer goodbye, promising to care for his little girl while she was in his possession and wishing him and Max good luck. Even after all this time, Spencer still knew he could trust his friend with anything, so he felt it in his heart that Willow was in good hands. What felt more difficult was to go back to the second floor of their house and find his wife in more pain than she was in before he left.
Max's moans were loud, primal as she rocked on her hands and knees on their bed. Savannah was crouched by the edge of the bed, talking to her softly to help keep her calm, Lilith sat next to her on the bed and kept a hand on her back, and Eloise stayed off to the side of the room, taking pictures she knew they'd appreciate later. They explicitly told her to keep Max's parts out of them, but other than that they wanted her to capture everything.
Spencer crouched next to Savannah, softly placing a hand on one of Max's as they were clenched in fists.
"I checked the baby's heartbeat and she's going strong. I rechecked her dilation and she's pretty close to an eight now." Savannah whispered. Spencer nodded and looked back up at Max as she sat up on her haunches. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and she gripped his arms, steadying her posture and her breathing.
"You're in transition. It's gonna get intense and you might feel like you have to push, but it's important for you to just relax. We're all here for you if you need anything." Spencer soothed in Max's ear. She nodded and turned her head towards her mom.
"Water." She breathed, and Lilith handed her a water bottle. She took a few long sips before handing it back and leaning into Spencer's shoulder. She sat quietly there for a few minutes before digging her mouth into his shirt to muffle her noises. She rocked back and forth similar how she was before, having Spencer follow her lead as he massaged her back and hips.
"In through your nose, out through your mouth." Spencer repeated, using the same mantra he did when they were having Willow. Max eventually fell in time with his words and she did seem to relax more in his arms.
An hour later, Max was still on her haunches and leaning on Spencer. The last couple of contractions had made her a little dizzy, so Savannah checked her blood pressure, which was relatively normal. She also claimed she was feeling pushy, so Spencer knew now would be a good time to check her again. He couldn't feel any more cervix; all his fingers met was the baby's head.
"She's right there Max."
"How far up is she?" Max asked.
"Uhh, like to my second knuckle. You're ready to push. How do you wanna be?"
Max started to lean back with Lilith, Savannah and Eloise gently catching her as she laid back in the pillows. They were stacked so she could have some elevation, allowing gravity to aid in the delivery, but she could still lay down and rest in between pushes.
Savannah and Spencer shoved more puppy pads under her and Lilith helped lay out some of the supplies for when the baby first came out. Eloise had her phone close to her and Max's faces, taking selfies and short videos.
"Okay Max, you're about to give birth to your second child in your home, how are you feeling?" Eloise asked, sounding like an enthusiastic game show host.
"Tired and in pain...but excited."
"Spence, how are you doing?" She asked, turning the camera towards him. He raised his eyebrows and with a slight smile, letting the face speak for itself. Currently, he had a full view of Max's vagina and could tell that the baby was close to entering the world. Besides coaching Max, he couldn't form any other words.
"Spence..." Max groaned as she closed her eyes.
Max nodded.
"Okay, take a deep breath, tuck your chin to your chest and push." Spencer advised. Max did as she was told and forced all her energy to her lower region, giving into all the pressure she was feeling. She continued to push until the contraction ended, then leaned back into the pillows as she caught her breath. Savannah placed the doppler wand to her stomach to check up on the baby, curious as to how she was dealing with the pushes. Hearing it through the small speaker showed them that she was still doing good, even with the transition she was being put through.
"Can you see her yet?" Max asked. With her legs splayed open in front of him, Spencer still couldn't see anything, but he could tell she was making progress when she pushed. He shook his head before prodding her opening, not having to go as deep as before.
"Probably with the next push." He said, and coincidentally Max started to contract again. Just as before, she leaned forward with her eyes closed, holding her breath as she pushed. Like Spencer predicted, her labia started to part and he and Savannah could see the baby's head start to make its appearance. Max stopped pushing and let go of her breath, almost gasping for air as she relaxed her muscles.
"She's starting to peak out babe." Spencer said, rubbing the inside of her thigh with the back of his hand. She looked at him over her bump, smiling as she took a few deep breaths. Lilith smoothed pieces of her hair back behind her ear while she held her daughter's hand. Eloise continued snapping pictures of all their faces, but stopped for a moment to hold her sister's other one in support.
A moment of calm seemed to come over Max and the pain dulled, and out of nowhere she started to laugh. They all looked at her weird, not understanding how she could be laughing while she was in so much pain, but it only made them join in with her.
"That's it, just laugh the baby out." Savannah joked.
"Is it working?" Max asked, trying to see over her belly.
"Kinda. She keeps slipping back in, but that's a good thing. It means she's stretching you out so you won't tear." Spencer explained.
"Uhh okay, I feel one coming..."
Max pushed and right away more of the baby's head emerged. Spencer gently helped her stretch, but she stopped prematurely and let out a small screech. She dug her nails into her thighs and gritted her teeth, feeling the head start to crown. From a crock pot that they had plugged in on the floor, Savannah procured a warm, moist towel and handed it to Spencer, along with some oil. He coated his fingers and ran them along the edges of Max's opening, then took the hot compress and applied counterpressure with it to her perineum.
"Is that too hot?"
"No...it's good." Max breathed.
"Okay, with the next contraction, don't push with all your might. Just give little pushes while the rest of her head crowns." Savannah said. Max nodded and got back into her pushing position; instead this time she wasn't completely silent. With each small shove, she let out a grunt through her sealed lips as the head widened her more and more. Her legs started to shake, and by the end of the contraction Max was in the most pain.
"Spence...Spencer, help." She whimpered.
"What do you need babe?"
"Pull her out."
"She's not out far enough Max. You've almost got her forehead out. One big push should get her whole head out."
Max blinked away the moisture that had started to form in her eyes and took a few deep breaths, squeezing her mom's and sister's hands as she waited for another contraction. Once it finally came, she let it build for a moment before giving a hard shove, freeing the baby's head slowly from her. She cried out from the sudden release, struggling to look over her somewhat deflated stomach. Savannah took her hand and guided it down to the baby's head.
"Ohhh my god." Max moaned, touching her newborn's head for the first time. While she kept her hand there, Spencer felt around the head for a cord but didn't seem to detect one. Taking the moment they had before she'd be completely out, Spencer honed in on the fact that he was about to become a father for the second time. From the moment she entered the world, he would be the first person to hold her, and from that moment on he would do anything and everything in his power to protect her.
Time sped up again and Max was feeling the urge to push the baby out right then and there. After a little assistance from Spencer and Savannah, her shoulders slipped out until she was at the waist; and at 9:19 p.m. Spencer finished the job by pulling her the rest of the way out and placing her on Max's chest. They placed a warm blanket on her and rubbed her back, eliciting loud cries as air filled her lungs. Eloise got a ton of pictures, then leaned in close next to her sister as she admired her new niece. Lilith had done the same, placing a kiss to Max's temple.
Spencer soon took her place, as Savannah took over aiding Max in delivering the placenta and checking to see if she needed any sutures. He kissed Max, feeling a rush of love for her course through his veins. He was proud of her beyond belief, and he was proud of the new little person lying on her chest. He placed his pointer finger in her palm and she squeezed it tight.
"Hi Aylaroo. We're glad you finally decided to come." He whispered.
"Is that her name?" Eloise asked incredulously.
"Not quite. That's a nickname Spencer came up with. Her full name is Ayla Michelle Reid." Max announced, and Savannah, Lilith and Eloise were all in awe. With a click from his camera, Spencer sent a photo to Derek, keeping his promise from earlier before letting everyone else know that a new person had entered the room and the door had not even opened.

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