Let's Cap It At Three.

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*Flashback One Shot*
Spencer and Max have been dating for 9 months and are having dinner after he's been away for a few days.

"Happy nine months." Spencer said, holding his wine glass out to Max. She clinked hers against it with a smile.
"Happy nine months. So what's my 9 month fact?"
It became apparent to Max very early on that Spencer had knowledge in all sorts of areas, without him even having to mention his IQ or his doctorates. He'd ramble to her about a lot of things every day, but it became customary for him to relay a specific fact to her about what can happen in the amount of time that they'd been dating.
"It takes nine months for a pineapple to grow. Nine months is also the amount of time for a complete school year."
Max nodded and slowly sipped her wine, not as enthused as she normally was.
"You didn't like those ones." Spencer said, stating it rather than asking it as a question.
"No I did, I just kinda expected you to say something different."
"Like what?"
"The gestation period of a human is nine months." Max said, saying it with a deeper voice and using words that he'd use. Spencer laughed at her impression of him.
"On average it's more like nine months and a week, also I didn't want to bring up the topic in case you weren't comfortable with it."
"I am." She said solemnly.
"Okay." Spencer said, sounding less confident in his answer as he placed his glass on the table.
"Are you?" Max asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I just um..."
Max chuckled as he stumbled over his words.
"Have you ever seen yourself as a father?" Max asked. She knew that it was better to just jump right in sometimes with Spencer, or else he'd be a stuttering mess.
"Yeah a couple times. When I was in my 20s I noticed kids weren't really comfortable around me, nor was I around them so that seemed out of the picture for me. As I've gotten older I've been able to meet more kids through my job and I feel like I've taken a lot from those interactions--ya know I think it's important that adults stop always thinking they know what's best and listen to kids' ideas."
"Well I've seen how you are with Sammy and other kids. You seem to be a magnet for them."
"How bout you? You ever want kids?" Spencer asked.
"Honestly I've gone back and forth on the topic. Sometimes I feel so over being a teacher to elementary school kids, while other times I wish I could be the parents when their kid runs up to them after having a good day. Then when I've thought about moving forward with my career, I get so passionate about it that kids just don't seem to fit in anywhere."
"Well where are you on that spectrum now?"
Max blushed and interlocked her fingers with his, rubbing her thumb into his palm.
"I want them, and I think a lot of that has to do with you. You assure me that everything happens for a reason and if life somehow brings me to that point where I could, I would love to have a baby or two."
"Or two?"
"Maybe three."
"Three's a good number."
"Mmm how about four?"
"Whoa let's not get crazy." Spencer chuckled.
"Yeahh let's cap it at three."
"I like that idea."
Max smiled and leaned forward, pressing her lips firmly to Spencer's. She maneuvered herself under his arm and turned her TV on, feeling him nuzzle his nose into her hair. Once she found a show that they both wanted to watch, she pecked him again before settling deeper into him, feeling loved and safe with him around her.

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